Submissions from 2020
Kidney Donation and the Consent of the Poor, Philip J. Cook and Kimberly D. Krawiec (CookPhilipJ.)
The Transparency of Jail Data, William E. Crozier, Brandon L. Garrett, and Arvind Krishnamurthy
Complete Contracts in Finance, Elisabeth de Fontenay
Autonomous Systems & International Norms, Charles Dunlap, Richard Jordan, Elsa Kania, and Michael Klare
Designing Business Forms to Pursue Social Goals, Ofer Eldar
Manipulating Risk: Immigration Detention through Automation, Kate Evans and Robert Koulish
Genetic Evidence, MAOA, and State v. Yepez, Nita A. Farahany, Roderick T. Kennedy, and Brandon L. Garrett
Foreign Corruption as Market Manipulation, Gina-Gail S. Fletcher
Do Patent Law Suits Target Invalid Patents?, Michael Frakes and Melissa F. Wasserman
Declining Corporate Prosecutions, Brandon L. Garrett
Misplaced Constitutional Rights, Brandon L. Garrett
The Costs and Benefits of Forensics, Brandon L. Garrett
Judging Risk, Brandon L. Garrett and John Monahan
Institutional Choice and Targeted Killing: A Comparative Perspective, Elad D. Gil
The Margin of Appreciation as a Foreign Relations Law Doctrine, Elad D. Gil
COVID-19's Impact on Students with Disabilities in Under-Resourced School Districts, Crystal Grant
Special Education by Zip Code: Creating Equitable Child Find Policies, Crystal Grant
Sandra Day O’Connor’s "First" Principles: A Constructive Vision for an Angry Nation, Lisa Kern Griffin
The Wandering Officer, Ben Grunwald and John Rappaport
The Failed Transparency Regime for Executive Agreements: An Empirical and Normative Analysis, Oona A. Hathaway, Curtis A. Bradley, and Jack L. Goldsmith
Populism and International Human Rights Law Institutions: A Survival Guide, Laurence R. Helfer
Copyright Exceptions Across Borders: Implementing the Marrakesh Treaty, Laurence R. Helfer, Molly K. Land, and Ruth L. Okediji
Genetic Race? DNA Ancestry Tests, Racial Identity, and the Law, Trina Jones and Jessica L. Roberts
Competing for Votes, Kobi Kastiel and Yaron Nili
Assessing the Experiential (R)evolution, Allison Korn and Laila L. Hlass
Injustice and the Disappearance of Discretionary Detention under Trump: Detaining Low Risk Immigrants without Bond, Robert Koulish and Kate Evans
From Judge to Dean and Back Again: Reflections on Transitions, David F. Levi
Packing and Unpacking State Courts, Marin K. Levy
Protecting Local News Outlets from Fatal Legal Expenses, Nicole J. Ligon
Avoiding Judicial Discipline, Veronica Root Martinez
Complex Compliance Investigations, Veronica Root Martinez
More Meaningful Ethics, Veronica Root Martinez
Misaligned Lawmaking, Timothy Meyer
Reconciling Environmental Justice with Climate Change Mitigation: A Case Study of NC Swine CAFOs, D. Lee Miller and Ryke Longest
The Fallacy of Director Independence, Yaron Nili
Tax Law’s Workplace Shift, Shu-Yi Oei and Diane M. Ring
Fossil Fortunes: Regulating Commercial Paleontology & Incentivizing Fossil Discovery, Ashlee A. Paxton-Turner
Reign of Error: District Courts Misreading the Supreme Court over Rooker–Feldman Analysis, Thomas D. Rowe Jr. and Edward L. Baskauskas
TePoel Lecture: Bond Trustees and the Rising Challenge of Activist Investors, Steven L. Schwarcz
Anticipating Venezuela’s Debt Crisis: Hidden Holdouts and the Problem of Pricing Collective Action Clauses, Robert E. Scott, Stephen J. Choi, and Mitu Gulati
Revising Boilerplate: A Comparison of Private and Public Company Transactions, Robert E. Scott, Stephen J. Choi, and Mitu Gulati
The Limited Lifespan of the Bankruptcy Estate: Managing Consumer and Small Business Reorganizations, Jonathan M. Seymour
The Gaps Model and Faculty Services: Quality Analysis Through a “New” Lens, Alex Zhang and Sherry Xin Chen
Submissions from 2019
Theorizing the Judicialization of International Relations, Karen J. Alter, Emilie M. Hafner-Burton, and Laurence R. Helfer
Is There a First-Drafter Advantage in M&A?, Adam B. Badawi and Elisabeth de Fontenay
Grounding Originalism, William Baude and Stephen E. Sachs
Originalism and the Law of the Past, William Baude and Stephen E. Sachs
Beyond the Annals of Murder: The Life and Works of Thomas M. McDade, Jennifer L. Behrens
“Unknown Symbols”: Online Legal Research in the Age of Emoji, Jennifer L. Behrens
Bans, Joseph Blocher
Free Speech and Justified True Belief, Joseph Blocher
Response: Rights as Trumps of What?, Joseph Blocher
Stevens, J., Dissenting: The Legacy of Heller, Joseph Blocher and Darrell A. H. Miller
Doctrinal Dynamism, Borrowing, and the Relationship Between Rules and Rights, Joseph Blocher and Luke Morgan
Analyzing the Trump Administration's International Trade Strategy, Rachel Brewster
WTO Dispute Settlement: Can We Go Back Again?, Rachel Brewster
Fixing the Design Patent Bar: New Opportunities for Federal Lawyers, Christopher Buccafusco and Jeanne C. Curtis
The Design Patent Bar: An Occupational Licensing Failure, Christopher Buccafusco and Jeanne C. Curtis
Exemplary Legal Writing 2018: Five Recommendations, Femi Cadmus and Casandra Laskowski
Slouching Toward Universality: A Brief History of Race, Voting, and Political Participation, Guy-Uriel E. Charles and Luis E. Fuentes-Rohwer
The Well-Intentioned Purpose but Weak Epistemological Foundation of Originalism, George C. Christie
Semenya and ASA v IAAF: Affirming the Lawfulness of a Sex-Based Eligibility Rule for the Women’s Category in Elite Sport, Doriane Lambelet Coleman
Introduction: Professor Randall Thomas’s Depolarizing and Neutral Approach to Shareholder Rights, James D. Cox and Frank Partnoy
Revolving Elites: The Unexplored Risk of Capturing the SEC, James D. Cox and Randall S. Thomas
Private Equity's Governance Advantage: A Requiem, Elisabeth de Fontenay
The State of the Death Penalty, Ankur Desai and Brandon L. Garrett
Brief of Public Law Scholars as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioners, Chris Dove and Ernest A. Young
The Enduring Distinction Between Business Entities and Security Interests, Ofer Eldar and Andrew Verstein
Defending Refugees: A Case for Protective Procedural Safeguards in the Persecutor Bar Analysis, Charles Shane Ellison
Immigration Detainers, Local Discretion, and State Law's Historical Constraints, Kate Evans
The Cost of Changing Our Minds, Nita A. Farahany
Engineered Credit Default Swaps: Innovative or Manipulative?, Gina-Gail S. Fletcher
The Conflicted Advice Problem: A Response to Conflicts & Capital Allocation, Gina-Gail S. Fletcher
Irrational Ignorance at the Patent Office, Michael D. Frakes and Melissa F. Wasserman
Patent Trial and Appeal Board's Consistency-Enhancing Function, Michael D. Frakes and Melissa F. Wasserman
Self-Policing: Dissemination and Adoption of Police Eyewitness Policies in Virginia, Brandon L. Garrett
Unconstitutionally Illegitimate Discrimination, Brandon L. Garrett
Judging Risk: The Use of Risk Assessment in Sentencing, Brandon Garrett and John Monahan
Totemic Functionalism in Foreign Affairs Law, Elad D. Gil
A Theory of Poverty: Legal Immobility, Sara Sternberg Greene
The End of Intuition-Based High-Crime Areas, Ben Grunwald and Jeffrey Fagan
The ILO at 100: Institutional Innovation in an Era of Populism, Laurence R. Helfer
Has Shoe Run Its Course?, David W. Ichel
Visiting Judges, Marin K. Levy
Who Tells Your Story: The Legality of and Shift in Racial Preferences Within Casting Practices, Nicole Ligon
Combating Silence in the Profession, Veronica Root Martinez
The Outsized Influence of the FCPA?, Veronica Root Martinez
The Law and Politics of Socially Inclusive Trade, Timothy Meyer
Trade and the Separation of Powers, Timothy Meyer and Ganesh Sitaraman
Private International Law as an Ethic of Responsivity, Ralf Michaels
Constitutional Conflict and Sensitive Places, Darrell A. H. Miller
Owning Heller, Darrell A. H. Miller
Beyond the Numbers: Substantive Gender Diversity in Boardrooms, Yaron Nili
Successor CEOs, Yaron Nili
Legislation and Comment: The Making of the § 199A Regulations, Shu-Yi Oei and Leigh Osofsky
Constituencies and Control in Statutory Drafting: Interviews with Government Tax Counsels, Shu-Yi Oei and Leigh Z. Osofsky
When Data Comes Home: Next Steps in International Taxation’s Information Revolution, Shu-Yi Oei and Diane M. Ring
Presidential Responses to Protest: Lessons Jefferson Davis Never Learned, Ashlee Paxton-Turner
The Emergence of the American Constitutional Law Tradition, H. Jefferson Powell
Expropriation in the Name of Rights: Transferable Development Rights (TDRs), the Bundle of Sticks and Chinese Politics, Shitong Qiao