Submissions from 2016
Shadow Banking and Regulation in China and Other Developing Countries, Steven L. Schwarcz
Sovereign Debt Restructuring: A Model-Law Approach, Steven L. Schwarcz
The Distinctive Role of Justice Samuel Alito: From a Politics of Restoration to a Politics of Dissent, Neil S. Siegel
The Essential Monroe Freedman, in Four Works, Michael E. Tigar
Strategic Decision Making in Dual PTAB and District Court Proceedings, Saurabh Vishnubhakat, Arti K. Rai, and Jay P. Kesan
Environmental Regulation Going Retro: Learning Foresight From Hindsight, Jonathan B. Wiener and Daniel L. Ribeiro
Our Prescriptive Judicial Power: Constitutive and Entrenchment Effects of Historical Practice in Federal Courts Law, Ernest A. Young
The European Union: A Comparative Perspective, Ernest A. Young
Discovering the Knowledge Monopoly of Law Librarianship Under the DIKW Pyramid, Alex Xiaomeng Zhang
Cultural Paradigms in Property Institutions, Taisu Zhang
Moral Economies in Early Modern Land Markets: History and Theory, Taisu Zhang
Submissions from 2015
Foreword: The Future of Immigration Enforcement: A Tribute to David Martin, Kerry Abrams
Structured Dialogue on Building a Sustainable, Stable Immigration Enforcement System, Kerry Abrams
Equity by the Numbers: Measuring Poverty, Inequality, and Injustice, Matthew D. Adler
Would You Choose to be Happy? Tradeoffs Between Happiness and the Other Dimensions of Life in a Large Population Survey, Matthew D. Adler, Paula Dolan, and Georgios Kavetsos
Sickeningly Sweet: Analysis and Solutions for Adverse Dietary Consequences of European Agricultural Law, Emilie K. Aguirre
The Importance of the Right to Food for Achieving Global Health, Emilie K. Aguirre
Brief of Professors Peter S. Menell, J. Jonas Anderson, and Arti K. Rai as Amici Curiae in Support of Neither Party, J. Jonas Anderson, Peter S. Menell, and Arti K. Rai
Brief of Federal Courts Scholars as Amici Curiae in Support of the Petitioner, Willaim Araiza, Howard M. Wasserman, Lawrence Sager, Stephen I. Vladeck, and Ernest A. Young
Brief for Amici Curiae Professors of Law in Support of Petitioner, Barbara Allen Babcock, Jeffrey Bellin, Robert P. Burns, Sherman J. Clark, James E. Coleman Jr., Lisa Kern Griffin, Robert P. Mosteller, Deborah Tuerkheimer, and Neil Vidmar
Every Document Its Depository: Lessons Learned from an Intercampus Transfer, Jennifer L. Behrens
Patent Confusion, Jennifer L. Behrens
Supremes, Jennifer L. Behrens
Hunting and the Second Amendment, Joseph Blocher
New Approaches to Old Questions in Gun Scholarship, Joseph Blocher
New Problems for Subsidized Speech, Joseph Blocher
Open Legal Educational Materials: The Frequently Asked Questions, James Boyle and Jennifer Jenkins
AGORA: Reflections on Zivotofsky v. Kerry : Historical Gloss, the Recognition Power, and Judicial Review, Curtis A. Bradley
Foreign Relations Law and the Purported Shift Away From "Exceptionalism", Curtis A. Bradley
Constructed Constraint and the Constitutional Text, Curtis A. Bradley and Neil S. Siegel
Introduction to AGORA: Reflections on Zivotofsky v. Kerry, Curtis A. Bradley and Carlos M. Vazquez
Reprofiling Sovereign Debt, Lee C. Buchheit, Mitu Gulati, and Ignacio Tirado
Culpability and Modern Crime, Samuel W. Buell
Library Director as Change Agent: Analysis Two, Implementing Change in Difficult Times, Femi Cadmus
Quitting in Protest: A Theory of Presidential Policy Making and Agency Response, Charles M. Cameron, John M. de Figueiredo, and David E. Lewis
Evaluating the 2013 Euro CAC Experiment, Elena Carletti, Paolo Colla, and Mitu Gulati
Race, Federalism, and Voting Rights, Guy-Uriel E. Charles and Luis Fuentes-Rohwer
Reynolds Reconsidered, Guy-Uriel E. Charles and Luis Fuentes-Rohwer
Habermas, the Public Sphere, and the Creation of a Racial Counterpublic, Guy-Uriel Charles and Luis Fuentes-Rohwer
The Voting Rights in Winter: The Death of a Superstatute, Guy-Uriel Charles and Luis Fuentes-Rohwer
Foreword: Reflections on our Founding, Guy-Uriel Charles and Luis E. Fuentes-Rohwer
Challenging the Randomness of Panel Assignment in the Federal Courts of Appeals, Adam S. Chilton and Marin K. Levy
Some Reasons Courts Have Become Active Participants in the Search for Ultimate Moral and Political Truth, George C. Christie
The Uneasy and Often Unhelpful Interaction of Tort Law and Constitutional Law in First Amendment Litigation, George C. Christie
Brief of Corporate Law Professors as Amici Curie in Support of Respondents, John C. Coates, Lucian A. Bebchuk, Bernard S. Black, John C. Coffee, James D. Cox, Ronald J. Gilson, Jeffrey N. Gordon, Lawrence Hamermesh, Henry B. Hansmann, Robert J. Jackson Jr., Marcel Kahan, Vikramaditya S. Khanna, Michael Klausner, Reinier H. Kraakman, Donald C. Langevoort, Brian JM Quinn, Edward B. Rock, Mark J. Roe, and Helen S. Scott
Corporate Law and the Limits of Private Ordering, James D. Cox
Iterative Regulation of Securities Markets after Business Roundtable: A Principles-Based Approach, James D. Cox
"We're Cool" Statements After Omnicare: Securities Fraud Suits for Failures to Comply with the Law, James D. Cox
Addressing Agency Costs through Private Litigation in the U.S: Tensions, Disappointments, and Substitutes, James D. Cox and Randall S. Thomas
Law Libraries and Laboratories: The Legacies of Langdell and His Metaphor, Richard A. Danner
More than Decisions: Reviews of American Law Reports in the Pre-West Era, Richard A. Danner
Democratic Rulemaking, John M. de Figueiredo and Edward H. Stiglitz
Law Firm Selection and the Value of Transactional Lawyering, Elisabeth de Fontenay
Agency in the Alternatives: Common-Law Perspectives on Binding the Firm, Deborah A. DeMott
Forum-Selection Bylaws Refracted Through an Agency Lens, Deborah A. DeMott
Relationships of Trust and Confidence in the Workplace, Deborah A. DeMott
Lawfare, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
Setting Your Compass: Some Thoughts from a (Former) DJAG, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
Tightrope Act, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
The Surprising Relevance of Medical Malpractice Law, Michael D. Frakes
Do Physicians Respond to Liability Standards?, Michael D. Frakes, Matthew Frank, and Seth Seabury
The Effect of Statutory Rape Laws on Teen Birth Rates, Michael D. Frakes and Matthew C. Harding
Does the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Grant Too Many Bad Patents?: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment, Michael D. Frakes and Melissa F. Wasserman
Constitutional Law and the Law of Evidence, Brandon L. Garrett
Contaminated Confessions Revisited, Brandon L. Garrett
Interrogation Policies, Brandon L. Garrett
The Corporate Criminal as Scapegoat, Brandon L. Garrett
The Failed Reform: Congressional Crackdown on Repeat Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Filers, Sara Sternberg Greene
Barriers to Entry and Justice Ginsburg’s Criminal Procedure Jurisprudence, Lisa Kern Griffin
The Challenge of Co-Religionist Commerce, Michael A. Helfand and Barak D. Richman
Mapping the Interface Between Human Rights and Intellectual Property, Laurence R. Helfer
Pharmaceutical Patents and the Human Right to Health The Contested Evolution of the Transnational Legal Order on Access to Medicines, Laurence R. Helfer
The Evolution of Codification: A Principal-Agent Theory of the International Law Commission's Influence, Laurence R. Helfer and Timothy Meyer
Could Data Broker Information Threaten Physician Prescribing and Professional Behavior?, Marco D. Huesch, Michael K. Ong, and Barak D. Richman
Brief for Foreign and Comparative Law Experts Harold Hongju Koh et al. as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioners, Harold Hongju Koh, Thomas Buergenthal, Sarah H. Cleveland, Laurence R. Helfer, Ryan Goodman, and Sujit Choudhry
Markets, Morals, and Limits in the Exchange of Human Eggs, Kimberly D. Krawiec
The Volcker Rule: A Brief Political History, Kimberly D. Krawiec and Guangya Liu
Lawyers on Trial: Juror Hostility to Defendants in Legal Malpractice Trials, Herbert M. Kritzer and Neil Vidmar
When the Lawyer Screws Up: A Portrait of Legal Malpractice Claims and their Resolution, Herbert M. Kritzer and Neil Vidmar
Litigating State Interests: Attorneys General as Amici, Margaret H. Lemos and Kevin M. Quinn
In Memoriam: Daniel J. Meltzer, David F. Levi, David J. Barron, Donald B. Verrilli, Elana Kagan, Martha Minow, Richard H. Fallon, Robert S. Taylor, and Vicki C. Jackson
Decriminalizing Delinquency: The Effect of Raising the Age of Majority on Juvenile Recidivism, Charles E. Loeffler and Ben Grunwald
Opinion Analysis: Bargaining in the Shadow of Equitable Apportionment, Ryke Longest
Against Game Theory, Gale M. Lucas, Mathew D. McCubbins, and Mark Turner
Decision-Making in the Dark: How Pre-Trial Errors Change the Narrative in Criminal Jury Trials, Kara MacKillop and Neil Vidmar
"Least Restrictive Means”: Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, Noah Marks
One Size Does Not Fit All: What Does High Impact Prevention Funding Mean for Community-Based Organizations in the Deep South?, Carolyn McAllaster and Jerry Fang
The MDL Vortex Revisited, Thomas B. Metzloff
How Local Discrimination Can Promote Global Public Goods, Timothy Meyer
Transnationalizing Comparative Law, Ralf Michaels
Human Equity? Regulating the New Income Share Agreements, Shu-Yi Oei and Diane Ring
Professor Greenawalt's Unfashionable Idea, H. Jefferson Powell
Coming into the Anthropocene, Jedediah Purdy
That We are Underlings: The Real Problems in Disciplining Political Spending and the First Amendment, Jedediah Purdy
Wealth and Democracy, Jedediah Purdy
The Politics of Chinese Land: Partial Reform, Vested Interests and Small Property, Shitong Qiao
The Evolution of Relational Property Rights: A Case of Chinese Rural Land Reform, Shitong Qiao and Frank Upham
A CLOSER LOOK: Deep South Has the Highest HIV-related Death Rates in the United States, Susan S. Reif, Donna Safley, and Carolyn McAllaster
HIV Infrastructure Study Birmingham, Alabama, Susan S. Reif, Kristen Sullivan, Carolyn McAllaster, and Miriam Berger
HIV Infrastructure Study Jackson, Mississippi, Susan S. Reif, Elena Wilson, Carolyn McAllaster, and Miriam Berger