Submissions from 2022
Judging Without a J.D., Sara Sternberg Greene and Kristen M. Renberg
The Corporate Governance Gap, Kobi Kastiel and Yaron Nili
Protecting Women's Voices: Preventing Retaliatory Defamation Claims in the #MeToo Context, Nicole Ligon
The Diversity Risk Paradox, Veronica Root Martinez
Toward More Robust Self-Regulation Within the Legal Profession, Veronica Root Martinez and Caitlin-Jean Juricic
Power, Exit Costs, and Renegotiation in International Law, Timothy Meyer
Taxing, Regulating, and Trading Carbon: An Introduction to the Symposium, Timothy Meyer
The Political Economy of WTO Exceptions, Timothy Meyer
Manufacturing Outliers, Darrell A. H. Miller and Joseph Blocher
Common Use, Lineage, and Lethality, Darrell A. H. Miller and Jennifer Tucker
Thank You for Not Publishing (Unexamined Patent Applications), Lidiya Mishchenko
Board Gatekeepers, Yaron Nili
Virtual Annual Meetings: A Path Toward Shareholder Democracy and Stakeholder Engagement, Yaron Nili and Megan Wischmeier Shaner
The Need for Social Support from Law Schools during the Era of Social Distancing, Michele Okoh and Inès Ndonko Nnoko
Keeping Our Republic, Ashlee A. Paxton-Turner
Post-Grant Adjudication of Drug Patents: Agency and/or Court?, Arti k. Rai, Saurabh Vishnubhakat, Jorge Lemus, and Erik Hovenkamp
10 Things Judges Should Know About Cryptocurrency, Lee Reiners
When Do “Closed Camps” Become Prisons by Another Name?, Mara R, Revkin
“Second-Class" Rhetoric, Ideology, and Doctrinal Change, Eric Ruben and Joseph Blocher
Citizenship Disparities, Emily Ryo and Reed Humphrey
The importance of race, gender, and religion in naturalization adjudication in the United States, Emily Ryo and Reed Humphrey
Against Bankruptcy Exceptionalism, Jonathan M. Seymour
Judge James A. Wynn, Originalism, and the Juridical/Judicial Role, Michael E. Tigar
Standing, Equity, and Injury in Fact, Ernest A. Young
Submissions from 2021
Fair Innings? The Utilitarian and Prioritarian Value of Risk Reduction over a Whole Lifetime, Matthew D. Adler, Maddalena Ferranna, James K. Hammitt, and Nicolas Treich
Beyond Profit, Emilie Aguirre
Clinicians Reflect on COVID-19: Lessons Learned and Looking Beyond, Deborah Archer, Caitlin Barry, Priya Baskaran, Lisa Bliss, Jennifer Fernandez, Crystal Grant, Anju Gupta, Gautam Hans, Julia Hernandez, Vida Johnson, Carolyn Kaas, Alexis Karteron, Shobha Mahadev, Lynnise Pantin, Kele Stewart, and Erika Wilson
The Cost of Guilty Breach: Willful Breach in M&A Contracts, Theresa Arnold, Amanda Dixon, Madison Whalen Sherrill, Hadar Tanne, and Mitu Gulati
On the Scent: A History of “The King of the Foxes” Autograph Manuscript, Jennifer L. Behrens
The First Amendment and Algorithms, Stuart M. Benjamin
Two Concepts of Gun Liberty, Joseph Blocher
Pointing Guns, Joseph Blocher, Samuel W. Buell, Jacob D. Charles, and Darrell A. H. Miller
When Guns Threaten the Public Sphere: A New Account of Public Safety Regulation Under Heller, Joseph Blocher and Reva B. Siegel
Dumping: On Law Reviews, James Boyle
Mark of the Devil: The University as Brand Bully, James Boyle and Jennifer Jenkins
Unpacking Third-Party Standing, Curtis A. Bradley and Ernest A. Young
Drugs, Patents, and Well-Being, Christopher Buccafusco and Jonathan S. Masur
How Many Latours Is Too Many? Measuring Brand Name Congestion in Bordeaux Wine, Christopher Buccafusco, Jonathan S. Masur, and Ryan Whalen
Exemplary Legal Writing 2020: Five Recommendations, Femi Cadmus and Ariel A.E. Scotese
Second Amendment Animus, Jacob D. Charles
Adolescent Medical Decisionmaking Rights: Reconciling Medicine and Law, Doriane Lambelet Coleman and Philip M. Rosoff
A Revised Monitoring Model Confronts Today's Movement Toward Managerialism, James D. Cox and Randall S. Thomas
The SEC's Shareholder Proposal Rule: Creating a Corporate Public Square, James D. Cox and Randall S. Thomas
The New Public/Private Equilibrium and the Regulation of Public Companies, Elisabeth de Fontenay and Gabriel Rauterberg
Fiduciary Duties on the Temporal Edges of Agency Relationships, Deborah A. DeMott
The Domains of Loyalty: Relationships Between Fiduciary Obligation and Intrinsic Motivation, Deborah A. DeMott
Whistleblowers: Implications for Corporate Governance, Deborah A. DeMott
Final Report of the Durham Statement Review Task Force, Durham Statement Review Task Force
Unwilling or Unable? The Failure to Conform the Nonstate Actor Standard in Asylum Claims to the Refugee Act, Charles Shane Ellison and Anjum Gupta
The City’s Second Amendment, Dave Fagundes and Darrell A. H. Miller
Deterring Algorithmic Manipulation, Gina-Gail S. Fletcher
Cleaning Corporate Governance, Jens Frankenreiter, Cathy Hwang, Yaron Nili, and Eric L. Talley
Corporate Crimmigration, Brandon L. Garrett
Closing International Law's Innocence Gap, Brandon L. Garrett, Laurence R. Helfer, and Jayne C. Huckerby
Life Without Parole Sentencing in North Carolina, Brandon L. Garrett, Travis M. Seale-Carlisle, Karima Modjadidi, and Kristen M. Renberg
Monitoring the Misdemeanor Bail Reform Consent Decree in Harris County, Texas, Brandon L. Garrett and Sandra Guerra Thompson
Stealing (Identity) From the Poor, Sara S. Greene
Artificial Intelligence as Evidence, Paul W. Grimm, Maura R. Grossman, and Gordon V. Cormack
The Giant Shadow of Corporate Gadflies, Kobi Kastiel and Yaron Nili
Punishing With Impunity: The Legacy of Risk Classification Assessment in Immigration Detention, Robert Koulish and Kate Evans
Punishing with Impunity: The Legacy of Risk Classification Assessment in Immigration Detention, Robert Koulish and Kate Evans
State-Local Litigation Conflicts, Margaret H. Lemos
The Promise of Senior Judges, Marin K. Levy
Of Protest and Property: An Essay in Pursuit of Justice for Breonna Taylor, H. Timothy Lovelace Jr.
On Being First, on Being Only, on Being Seen, on Charting a Way Forward, Veronica Root Martinez
The Role of Norms in Modern-Day Government Ethics, Veronica Root Martinez
Equality Metrics, Veronica Root Martinez and Gina-Gail S. Fletcher
Social Corporate Governance, Jeremy McClane and Yaron Nili
Second Amendment Equilibria, Darrell A. H. Miller
Tainted Precedent, Darrell A. H. Miller
When Virtual Discipline Becomes Virtual Suspension: Protecting the Due Process Rights of Virtual Learners, Peggy Nicholson
Discipline in North Carolina’s Charter Schools, Peggy Nicholson, Ryan Yang, and Richard Yang
"Slack" in the Data Age, Shu-Yi Oei and Diane M. Ring
John Marshall Harlan and Constitutional Adjudication: An Anniversary Rehearing, H. Jefferson Powell
Judges as Superheroes: The Danger of Confusing Constitutional Decisions with Cosmic Battles, H. Jefferson Powell
Cryptocurrency and the State: An Unholy Alliance, Lee Reiners
Children in Custody: A Study of Detained Migrant Children in the United States,, Emily Ryo and Reed Humphrey
Regulating Financial Guarantors, Steven L. Schwarcz
Corporate Restructuring under Relative and Absolute Priority Default Rules: A Comparative Assessment, Jonathan M. Seymour and Steven L. Schwarcz
Insights into Due Process Reform: A Nationwide Survey of Special Education Attorneys, Jane R. Wettach and Bailey K. Sanders
Submissions from 2020
Federal Forum Provisions and the Internal Affairs Doctrine, Dhruv Aggarwal, Albert H. Choi, and Ofer Eldar
The Law of Corporate Investigations and the Global Expansion of Corporate Criminal Enforcement, Jennifer Arlen and Samuel W. Buell
Board Compliance, John Armour, Brandon Garrett, Jeffrey Gordon, and Geeyoung Min
The Myth of Optimal Expectation Damages, Theresa Arnold, Amanda Dixon, Madison Sherrill, and Mitu Gulati
Empty Chairs, Jennifer L. Behrens
The Empty Chair: Reflections on an Absent Justice, Jennifer L. Behrens
The Paradoxical Impact of Scalia's Campaign Against Legislative History, Stuart Minor Benjamin and Kristen M. Renberg
Disuniformity of Federal Constitutional Rights, Joseph Blocher
"The Road I Can't Help Travelling": Holmes on Truth and Persuadability, Joseph Blocher
Firearms, Extreme Risk, and Legal Design: "Red Flag" Laws and Due Process, Joseph Blocher and Jacob D. Charles
King Leopold's Bonds and the Odious Debts Mystery, Joseph Blocher, Mitu Gulati, and Kim Oosterlinck
Historical Gloss, Madisonian Liquidation, and the Originalism Debate, Curtis A. Bradley and Neil S. Siegel
Never Waste a Crisis: Anticorruption Reforms in South America, Rachel Brewster and Andres Ortiz
Building a Law-and-Political-Economy Framework: Beyond the Twentieth-Century Synthesis, Jedediah Britton-Purdy
Disability and Design, Christopher Buccafusco
How Conceptual Art Challenges Copyright's Notions of Authorial Control and Creativity, Christopher Buccafusco
The Trump Administration’s Social Security Rules Will Harm Innovation in the Assistive Technology Industry and People with Disabilities, Christopher Buccafusco and Mariel Talmage
Exemplary Legal Writing 2019: Books: Five Recommendations, Femi Cadmus and Casandra Laskowski
The Enhanced Danger of Physicians’ Off-Label Prescribing, Doriane Lambelet Coleman (PhilipM.) and Philip M. Rosoff