Submissions from 2017
Advocating a Carryover Tax Basis Regime, Richard Schmalbeck, Jay A. Soled, and Kathleen DeLaney Thomas
A Model-law Approach to Sovereign Debt Restructuring, Steven L. Schwarcz
Changing Law to Address Changing Markets: A Consequence-Based Inquiry, Steven L. Schwarcz
Controlling Systemic Risk Through Corporate Governance, Steven L. Schwarcz
Rethinking Corporate Governance for a Bondholder Financed, Systemically Risky World, Steven L. Schwarcz
Sovereign Debt Restructuring and English Governing Law, Steven L. Schwarcz
The Financial Crisis and Credit Unavailability: Cause or Effect?, Steven L. Schwarcz
Too Big to Fool: Moral Hazard, Bailouts, and Corporate Responsibility, Steven L. Schwarcz
Reciprocal Legitimation in the Federal Courts System, Neil S. Siegel
Sovereign Debt and the “Contracts Matter” Hypothesis, W. Mark C. Weidemaier and Mitu Gulati
Differing Perceptions? Market Practice and the Evolution of Foreign Sovereign Immunity, W. Mark C. Weidemaier and Mitu Gulati
Brief of Amicus Curiae Children’s Law Clinic at Duke Law School Advocates for Children’s Services of Legal Aid of North Carolina Public Schools First NC, Jane R. Wettach, Peggy Nicholson, K. Ricky Watson Jr., Celia Pistolis, Aisha Forte, Jennifer Story, and Kevin Zhao
What Can Europe Tell Us About the Future of American Federalism?, Ernest A. Young
Submissions from 2016
(Mis)recognizing Polygamy, Kerry Abrams
DNA and Distrust, Kerry Abrams and Brandon L. Garrett
Aggregating Moral Preferences, Matthew D. Adler
Benefit-Cost Analysis and Distributional Weights: An Overview, Matthew D. Adler
Justice, Claims and Prioritarianism: Room for Desert?, Matthew D. Adler
Priority for the Worse Off and the Social Cost of Carbon, Matthew D. Adler, David Anthoff, Valentina Bosetti, Greg Garner, Klaus Keller, and Nicolas Treich
Brief of Amici Curiae 56 Professors of Law and Economics in Support of Petition of Writ of Certiorari, John R. Allison; Margo Bagley; James Bessen; Jeremy Bock; Daniel H. Brean; Michael A. Carrier; Michael W. Carroll; Bernard Chao; Tun-Jen Chiang; Colleen V. Chien; Andrew Chin; Robert Cook-Deegan, MD; Rochelle Dreyfuss; Dr. Dieter Ernst; Samuel F. Ernst; Robin C. Feldman; Lee Fleming; Brian Frye; William Gallagher; Shubha Ghosh; Eric Goldman; Bronwyn H. Hall; Yaniv Heled; Christian Helmers; Joachim Henkel; Susan Helper; Tim Holbrook; Herbert Hovenkamp; William Hubbard; Dr. Xavier Jaravel; Dennis S. Karjala; Peter Lee; Mark A. Lemley; David K. Levine; David S. Levine; Doug Lichtman; Yvette Joy Liebesman; Orly Lobel; Brian Love; Phil Malone; Michael J. Meurer; Dr. Shawn Miller; Matthew Mitchell; Susan Barbieri Montgomery; Sean Pager; Arti K. Rai; Jacob H. Rooksby; Jorge R. Roig; Matthew Sag; Pamela Samuelson; Ana Santos Rutschman; Lea Bishop Shaver; Toshiko Takenaka; John L. Turner; Jennifer Urban; and Eric von Hippel
Backlash Against International Courts in West, East and Southern Africa: Causes and Consequences, Karen J. Alter, James T. Gathii, and Laurence R. Helfer
How Context Shapes the Authority of International Courts, Karen J. Alter, Laurence R. Helfer, and Mikael Rask Madsen
Brief of Amici Curiae Professors of Law in Support of Petitioner, Barbara Allen Babcock, Jeffrey Bellin, Darryl K. Brown, Robert P. Burns, James E. Coleman Jr., Lisa Kern Griffin, Robert P. Mosteller, Deborah Tuerkheimer, Neil Vidmar, and Jessica L. West
Sharing Sexism, Katharine T. Bartlett
Discrimination by Customers, Katharine T. Bartlett and Mitu Gulati
Originalism’s Bite, William Baude and Stephen E. Sachs
Adaptive Financial Regulation and RegTech: A Concept Article on Realistic Protection for Victims of Bank Failures, Lawrence G. Baxter
Understanding the Global in Global Finance and Regulation, Lawrence G. Baxter
The Development and Evolution of the U.S. Law of Corporate Criminal Liability and the Yates Memo, Sara Sun Beale
Innovation Heuristics: Experiments on Sequential Creativity in Intellectual Property, Stefan Bechtold, Christopher Buccafusco, and Christopher Jon Sprigman
Administrative Power in the Era of Patent Stare Decisis, Stuart M. Benjamin and Arti K. Rai
Judicial Retirements and the Staying Power of U.S. Supreme Court Decisions, Stuart M. Benjamin and Georg Vanberg
The Death Penalty and the Fifth Amendment, Joseph Blocher
Competing for Refugees: A Market-Based Solution to a Humanitarian Crisis, Joseph Blocher and Mitu Gulati
Can Greece be Expelled from the Eurozone? Toward a Default Rule on Expulsion from International Organizations, Joseph Blocher, Mitu Gulati, and Laurence R. Helfer
Practice and Precedent in Historical Gloss Games, Joseph Blocher and Margaret H. Lemos
Lethality, Public Carry, and Adequate Alternatives, Joseph Blocher and Darrell A. H. Miller
What is Gun Control? Direct Burdens Incidental Burdens, and the Boundaries of the Second Amendment, Joseph Blocher and Darrell A. H. Miller
Elections, Ideology, and Turnover in the U.S. Federal Government, Alexander D. Bolton, John de Figueiredo, and David E. Lewis
The Supreme Court as a Filter Between International Law and American Constitutionalism, Curtis A. Bradley
Presidential War Powers as a Two-Level Dynamic: International Law, Domestic Law, and Practice-Based Legal Change, Curtis A. Bradley and Jean Galbraith
Obama's AUMF Legacy, Curtis A. Bradley and Jack Landman Goldsmith
A Sovereign’s Cost of Capital: Go Foreign or Stay Local, Michael Bradley, Irving Arturo De Lira Salvatierra, and Mitu Gulati
Pricing Sovereign Debt: Discretion v. Expropriation, Michael Bradley, Irving De Lira Salvatierra, and Mitu Gulati
Trade in Environmental Goods: A Review of the WTO Appellate Body’s Ruling in US — Countervailing Measures (China), Rachel Brewster, Claire Brunel, and Anna Maria Mayda
A Theory of Copyright Authorship, Christopher Buccafusco
Authorship and the Boundaries of Copyright: Ideas, Expressions, and Functions in Yoga, Choreography, and Other Works, Christopher Buccafusco
The Moral Psychology of Copyright Infringement, Christopher Buccafusco and David Fagundes
Testing Tarnishment in Trademark and Copyright Law: The Effect of Pornographic Versions of Protected Marks and Works, Christopher Buccafusco, Paul J. Heald, and Wen Bu
Talking One's Way Out of a Debt Crisis, Lee C. Buchheit and G. Mitu Gulati
Targeted Subordination of Official Sector Debt, Lee C. Buchheit and Mitu Gulati
Marriage on the Ballot: An Analysis of Same-Sex Marriage Referendums in North Carolina, Minnesota, and Washington During the 2012 Elections, Craig M. Burnett and Mathew D. McCubbins
Exemplary Law Books of 2015: Five Recommendations, Femi Cadmus
The Quintessential Law Library and Librarian in a Digital Era, Femi Cadmus
Public Sector Personnel Economics: Wages, Promotions, and the Competence-Control Trade-off, Charles M. Cameron, John de Figueiredo, and David E. Lewis
Pricing Contract Terms in a Crisis: Venezuelan Bonds in 2016, Elena Carletti, Paolo Colla, Mitu Gulati, and Steven Ongena
Comment to the SEC in Support of the Enhanced Disclosure of Patent and Technology License Information, Colleen V. Chien, Jorge Contreras, Carol Corrado, Stuart Graham, Deepak Hedge, Arti K. Rai, and Saurabh Vishnubhakat
The Pricing of Non-Price Terms in Sovereign Bonds: The Case of the Greek Guarantees, Stephen J. Choi and Mitu Gulati
Religiously-Motivated Medical Neglect: A Response to Professors Levin, Jacobs, and Arora, Doriane Lambelet Coleman
Sharing by Design: Data and Decentralized Commons, Jorge L. Contreras and Jerome H. Reichman
Years of Good Life Based on Income and Health: Re-Engineering Cost-Benefit Analysis to Examine Policy Impact on Wellbeing and Distributive Justice, Richard Cookson, Owen Cotton-Barrett, Matthew D. Adler, Miqdad Asaria, and Toby Ord
Quieting the Sharholders' Voice: Empirical Evidence of Pervasive Bundling in Proxy Solicitations, James D. Cox, Fabrizio Ferri, Colleen Honigsberg, and Randall S. Thomas
Corporate Darwinism: Disciplining Managers in a World with Weak Shareholder Litigation, James D. Cox and Randall S. Thomas
Cases and Case-Lawyers, Richard A. Danner
Agency Costs in Law-Firm Selection: Are Companies Under-Spending on Counsel?, Elisabeth de Fontenay
The Sovereign-Debt Listing Puzzle, Elisabeth de Fontenay, Josefin Meyer, and Mitu Gulati
Brief for Professor Walter Dellinger as Amicus Curiae in Support of Petitioners, Walter E. Dellinger III
Accessory Disloyalty: Comparative Perspectives on Substantial Assistance to Fiduciary Breach, Deborah A. DeMott
Culpable Participation in Fiduciary Breach, Deborah A. DeMott
Defining Agency and Its Scope (II), Deborah A. DeMott
Fiduciary Breach, Once Removed, Deborah A. DeMott
Fiduciary Contours: Perspectives on Mutual Funds and Private Funds, Deborah A. DeMott
Accountability and Autonomous Weapons: Much Ado About Nothing?, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
American Military Culture and Civil-Military Relations Today, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
Military Justice, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
No Good Options Against ISIS Barbarism? Human Shields in 21st Century Conflicts, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
The DoD Law of War Manual and its Critics: Some Observations, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
Why Declarations of War Matter, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
Being Deprived of the Right to Effective Counsel in Removal Proceedings: Why the Eighth Circuit’s Decision in Rafiyev Must Be Overturned, Charles Shane Ellison
Nashbots: How Political Scientists have Underestimated Human Rationality, and How to Fix It, Daniel Enemark, Mathew D. McCubbins, and Mark Turner
We have the Tools to End HIV: Benefits, Barriers, and Solutions to Expanded Utilization of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) in the US Deep South, Jason Ervin, Allison Weller Tikare, and Carolyn McAllaster
Drawing Lines Among the Persecuted, Kate Evans
Neuroscience and Behavioral Genetics in US Criminal Law: An Empirical Analysis, Nita A. Farahany
Open Letter on Ethical Norms in Intellectual Property Scholarship, Robin Feldman, Mark A. Lemley, Jonathan Masur, and Arti K. Rai
Does Medical Malpractice Law Improve Health Care Quality?, Michael D. Frakes and Anupam B. Jena
Empirical Scholarship on the Prosecution Process at the PTO, Michael D. Frakes and Melissa F. Wasserman
Is the Time Allocated to Review Patent Applications Inducing Examiners to Grant Invalid Patents?: Evidence from Micro-Level Application Data, Michael D. Frakes and Melissa F. Wasserman
Procrastination in the Workplace: Evidence from the U.S. Patent Office, Michael D. Frakes and Melissa F. Wasserman
Bad Hair: The Legal Response to Mass Forensic Errors, Brandon L. Garrett
Rare as Hens' Teeth: The New Geography of the American Death Penalty, Brandon L. Garrett
The Constitutional Regulation of Forensic Evidence, Brandon L. Garrett
The Metamorphosis of Corporate Criminal Prosecutions, Brandon L. Garrett
The Myth of the Presumption of Innocence, Brandon L. Garrett
The Rise of Bank Prosecutions, Brandon L. Garrett
The Rise of Bank Prosecutions, Brandon L. Garrett
Why Plea Bargains Are Not Confessions, Brandon L. Garrett
Forensics and Fallibility: Comparing the Views of Lawyers and Jurors, Brandon L. Garrett and Gregory Mitchell
Courts of Good and Ill Repute: Garoupa and Ginsburg’s Judicial Reputation: A Comparative Theory, Tracey E. George and G. Mitu Gulati
Race, Class, and Access to Civil Justice, Sara Sternberg Greene
Criminal Adjudication, Error Correction, and Hindsight Blind Spots, Lisa Kern Griffin