Frequently Asked Questions | Duke Law Scholarship Repository | Duke Law Research

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Duke Law Scholarship Repository?

The purpose of the Duke Law Scholarship Repository is to maximize open access to the scholarship and intellectual life of Duke Law School. The main collections include Faculty Scholarship, Journals, and Lecture Series, with more collections in development.

The Faculty Scholarship collection contains articles, book chapters, briefs, works-in-progress, reports, and other forms of scholarship created by current and past Duke Law faculty members.

The Journal Collection houses final published articles of Duke Law School’s student-edited law journals. For submissions to these journals, please review the information found on the Duke Law Journals page.

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What type of content is accepted in the repository?

In addition to written works, our Repository houses, video, photographs, and select supplemental data. If you have a question about your own content and if it is a good fit for our repository, please contact

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Who can submit materials?

Any faculty or staff member affiliated with Duke Law may submit scholarly content. Programs, centers, and students should consult with the Repository administrator to see how well their material may fit into the repository’s scope.

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How do I submit or update content to the Duke Law Scholarship Repository?

Content is gathered and added on a regular basis by Law Library staff. To submit content to the repository, please email or

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Can I post related files (sound clips, data sets, etc.) alongside the published article?

We are happy to work with you to include related files. We will help to work through any copyright or permissions issues where needed.

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Copyright Guidelines for Authors

To include a work in the Duke Law Scholarship Repository you need to either hold the copyright, have reserved your rights to publicly post the work in an open access institutional repository, or have specific permission from the publisher to post the work. Permission practices for many publishers can be found at SHERPA RoMEO. When you submit a work to be included in the Repository we assume you have permission to do so, unless the work clearly indicates otherwise.

Publication agreements with student-edited law school journals generally include a reservation of rights to post based on the AALS Model Author/Journal Agreement. See Ass’n of American Law Schools, Proceedings 471-74 (1998).

Many journals do not have any restrictions on working papers that preceded an article being posted, especially if substantial revisions were made in the editorial process. Some journals only permit posting of the final published article. You should check your author agreement to confirm publisher policies.

Our staff can work with you to find journal and publisher policies, and review and suggest contract language to reserve your rights.Following are links to publishing agreements or language to add to agreements that specifically permit posting:

If you have other questions about potential contributions or repository processes, please contact us at

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