Submissions from 2025
Automating International Human Rights Adjudication, Veronika Fikfak and Laurence R. Helfer
The Solicitor General, Consistency, and Credibility, Margaret H. Lemos and Deborah A. Widiss
Submissions from 2024
Social Welfare Functions and Health Policy: A New Approach, Matthew D. Adler
From Pollution to Resource: Advancing Swine Waste Treatment in the USA, Viney P. Aneja, Ryke Longest, Matias B. Vanotti, Ariel A. Szogi, and Gudigopuram B. Reddy
Anti-Patents, Roy Baharad, Stuart Minor Benjamin, and Ehud Gutte
A Great American Gun Myth: Race and the Naming of the “Saturday Night Special”, Jennifer L. Behrens and Joseph Blocher
Partisan Panel Composition and Reliance on Earlier Opinions in the Circuit Courts, Stuart Minor Benjamin, ByungKoo Kim, and Kevin M. Quinn
Safe Storage Laws and Self-Defense from Heller to Bruen, Joseph Blocher
Originalism and Historical Fact-Finding, Joseph Blocher and Brandon L. Garrett
Standing and Probabilistic Injury, Curtis A. Bradley and Ernest A. Young
Arbitrating Corruption, Rachel Brewster
Competition and Congestion in Trademark Law, Christopher Buccafusco, Jonathan S. Masur, and Mark P. McKenna
Antisocial Innovation, Christopher Buccafusco and Samuel N. Weinstein
The Limits of Individual Prosecutions in Deterring Corporate Fraud, Samuel W. Buell
Introducing Biosimilar Competition for Cell and Gene Therapy Products, Brian Canter, Sabine Sussman, Stephen Colvill, Nitzan Arad, Elizabeth Staton, and Arti Rai
Economic Security and the Separation of Powers, Kathleen Claussen and Timothy Meyer
Budgets and the Timing, Intensity, and Composition of Interest Group Lobbying in the U.S. States, John M. de Figueiredo
Reflections on Race, the Constitution, and Growing up in the Segregated South, Walter Dellinger
The Toll Paid When Adjudicators Err: Reforming Appellate Review Standards for Refugees, Charles Shane Ellison
Corporate Racial Responsibility, Gina-Gail S. Fletcher and H. Timothy Lovelace Jr.
The Brady Database, Brandon L. Garrett, Adam M. Gershowitz, and Jennifer Teitcher
Compensating Exonerees in the United States, Brandon L. Garrett and Luke Mears
The Right to a Glass Box: Rethinking the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Criminal Justice, Brandon L. Garrett and Cynthia Rudin
Liberty, Safety, and Misdemeanor Bail, Brandon L. Garrett, Sandra Guerra Thompson, Dottie Carmichael, David Shi, and Songman Kang
Being an Icon: Reflections on Sandra Day O'Connor, Lisa Kern Griffin
False Accuracy in Criminal Trials: The Limits and Costs of Cross Examination, Lisa Kern Griffin
U.S. Public Perceptions of the Sensitivity of Brain Data, Shenyang Huang, Umika Paul, Shikhar Gupta, Karan Desai, Melinda Guo, Jennifer Jung, Beatrice Capestany, William D. Krenzer, Dylan Stonecipher, and Nita A. Farahany
Mickey, Disney, and the Public Domain: A Ninety-Five-Year Love Triangle, Jennifer Jenkins
The Rise of Private Equity Continuation Funds, Kobi Kastiel and Yaron Nili
Beyond Neural Data: Cognitive Biometrics and Mental Privacy, Patrick Magee, Marcello Ienca, and Nita Farahany
Beyond Neural Data: Cognitive Biometrics and Mental Privacy, Patrick Magee, Marcello Ienca, and Nita A. Farahany
Consumption Governance: The Role of Production and Consumption in International Economic Law, Timothy Meyer
Too Young to Suspend: Ending Early Grade School Exclusion by Applying Lessons from the Fight to Increase the Minimum Age of Juvenile Court Jurisdiction, Peggy Nicholson
Specialist Directors, Yaron Nili and Roy Shapira
A Codified Liability Regime to Stimulate Greater Investment in Subpatentable Innovation, Jerome H. Reichman and Ana Santos Rutschman
Evidence-Based Transitional Justice: Incorporating Public Opinion into the Field, with New Data from Iraq and Ukraine, Mara Revkin, Ala Alrababah, and Rachel Myrick
Bruen's Enforcement Puzzle: Unearthing and Adjudicating the Historical Enforcement Record in Second Amendment Cases, Andrew Willinger
Submissions from 2023
Twenty-First Century Split: Partisan, Racial, and Gender Differences in Circuit Judges Following Earlier Opinions, Stuart Minor Benjamin, Kevin M. Quinn, and ByungKoo Kim
Autonomy and Disciplinarity: Can Pseudoprofessional Speakers Select Their Own Constitutional Categorization?, Joseph Blocher
Firearms Law and Scholarship Beyond Bullets and Bodies, Joseph Blocher, Jacob D. Charles, and Darrell A. H. Miller
“A Map Is Not the Territory”: The Theory and Future of Sensitive Places Doctrine, Joseph Blocher, Jacob D. Charles, and Darrell A. H. Miller
Originalism-by-Analogy and Second Amendment Adjudication, Joseph Blocher and Eric Ruben
Guided by History: Protecting the Public Sphere from Weapons Threats Under Bruen, Joseph Blocher and Reva B. Siegel
There's No Such Thing as Independent Creation, and It's a Good Thing, Too, Christopher Buccafusco
The Price of Fairness, Christopher Buccafusco, Daniel Hemel, and Eric Talley
Of Bass Notes and Base Rates: Avoiding Mistaken Inferences About Copying, Christopher Buccafusco and Rebecca Tushnet
Corporate Crime: An Introduction to the Law and Its Enforcement, Samuel W. Buell
Brief of Intellectual Property Law Professors and Scholars as Amici Curiae in Support of the Respondents, Bernard Chao, Kevin Emerson Collins, Christopher A. Cotropia, Charles Duan, Oskar Liivak, Joseph Scott Miller, Arti K. Rai, Michael S. Sinha, S. Sean Tu, and Liza Vertinsky
Brief of Law and Business Professors as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondents, James D. Cox, Sarah C. Haan, Faith Stevelman, J. Robert Brown Jr., and Joan MacLeod Heminway
Side Letter Governance, Elisabeth de Fontenay and Yaron Nili
Restating the Law in the Shadow of Codes: The ALI in Its Formative Era, Deborah A. DeMott
Return to Sender?: Analyzing the Senior Leader “Open Letter” on Civilian Control of the Military, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
Is Corporate Law Nonpartisan?, Ofer Eldar and Gabriel V. Rauterberg
Law and Courts in an Age of Debt, Jared A. Ellias and Elisabeth de Fontenay
Open Prosecution, Brandon L. Garrett, William E. Crozier, Kevin Dahaghi, Elizabeth J. Gifford, Catherine Grodensky, Adele Quigley-McBride, and Jennifer Teitcher
Error Aversions and Due Process, Brandon L. Garrett and Gregory Mitchell
Judging Firearms Evidence and the Rule 702 Amendments, Brandon Garrett, Nicholas Scurich, Eric Tucker, and Hannah Bloom
Is Disclosure and Certification of the Use of Generative AI Really Necessary?, Maura R. Grossman, Paul W. Grimm, and Daniel G. Brown
Flexible Institution Building in the International Anti-corruption Regime: Proposing a Transnational Asset Recovery Mechanism, Laurence R. Helfer, Cecily Rose, and Rachel Brewster
Independence Reconceived, Claire Hill and Yaron Nili
The Lost Promise of Private Ordering, Cathy Hwang, Yaron Nili, and Jeremy McClane
Increasing Compliance with International Pandemic Law: International Relations and New Global Health Agreements, Matthew M. Kavanagh, Clare Wenham, Elize Massard da Fonseca, Laurence R. Helfer, Elvin Nyukuri, Allan Maleche, Sam F. Halabi, Adi Radhakrishnan, and Attiya Waris
Judicial Management Inside the Courts, Marin K. Levy
#MeToo & the Courts: The Impact of Social Movements on Federal Judicial Decisionmaking, Carol T. Li, Matthew E.K. Hall, and Veronica Root Martinez
Minding Rights: Mapping Ethical and Legal Foundations of ‘Neurorights’, Sjors Ligthart, Marcello Ienca, Gerben Meynen, Fruzsina Molnar-Gabor, Roberto Andorno, Christoph Bublitz, Paul Catley, Lisa Claydon, Thomas Douglas, Nita A. Farahany, Joseph J. Fins, Sara Goering, Pim Haselager, Fabrice Jotterand, Andrea Lavazza, Allan McCay, Abel Wajnerman Paz, Stephen Rainey, Jesper Ryberg, and Philipp Kellmeyer
Public Reporting of Monitorship Outcomes, Veronica Root Martinez
Reframing the DEI Case, Veronica Root Martinez
The National Security Consequences of the Major Questions Doctrine, Timothy Meyer and Ganesh Sitaraman
A Meditation on the Thirteenth Amendment and Constitutional Redemption, Darrell A. H. Miller
Common Good Gun Rights, Darrell A. H. Miller
The Possible Futures of American Democracy, Jedediah Purdy
Masks, Mayhem & the Future of Disability Rights in Schools, Claire Raj and Crystal Grant
Hospitals Suing Patients: How Hospitals Use N.C. Courts to Collect Medical Debt, Barak Richman, Sara Sternberg Greene, Sean Chen, and Julie Havlak
Beyond Legal Deserts: Access to Counsel for Immigrants Facing Removal, Emily Ryo and Reed Humphrey
On the Basis of Childbirth: How the Federal Clerkship's Lack of Parental Leave Fosters Gender Inequality, Bailey K. Sanders
The Territories Under Text, History, and Tradition, Andrew Willinger
Extreme Risk Protection Orders in the Post-Bruen Age: Weighing Evidence, Scholarship, and Rights for a Promising Gun Violence Prevention Tool, Andrew Willinger and Shannon Frattaroli
The Income Tax, the Constitution, and the Unrealized Importance of Helvering v. Griffiths, Lawrence Zelenak
Submissions from 2022
Moral Economies of Family Reunification in the Trump Era: Translating Natural Affiliation, Autonomy, and Stability Arguments into Constitutional Rights, Kerry Abrams and Daniel Pham
Theory of Prioritarianism, Matthew D. Adler
Well-Being Measurement, Matthew D. Adler and Koen Decancq
The Law and Science of Eyewitness Evidence, Thomas D. Albright and Brandon L. Garrett
Ships Passing in the Night: The Communications Act and the Convergence on Broadband, Stuart Minor Benjamin
Cities, Preemption, and the Statutory Second Amendment, Joseph Blocher
Navassa: Property, Sovereignty, and the Law of the Territories, Joseph Blocher and Mitu Gulati
Constitutional Gun Litigation Beyond the Second Amendment, Joseph Blocher and Noah Levine
Race and Guns, Courts and Democracy, Joseph Blocher and Reva B. Siegel
Enabling ESG Accountability: Focusing on the Corporate Enterprise, Rachel Brewster
Pay-to-Playlist: The Commerce of Music Streaming, Christopher Buccafusco and Kristelia García
Framing Vaccine Mandates: Messenger and Message Effects, Christopher Buccafusco and Daniel J. Hamel
A Restatement of Corporate Criminal Liability’s Theory and Research Agenda, Samuel W. Buell
Securing Gun Rights by Statute: The Right to Keep and Bear Arms Outside the Constitution, Jacob D. Charles
The Trajectory of Federal Gun Crimes, Jacob D. Charles and Brandon L. Garrett
Violence and Nondelegation, Jacob D. Charles and Darrell A. H. Miller
Economic Influence Activities and the Strategic Location of Investment, John M. de Figueiredo and Davin Raiha
Agents and Advisors, Deborah A. DeMott
Brief of Amica Curiae Deborah A. DeMott in Support of Petitioner, Deborah A. DeMott
Rogue Brokers and the Limits of Agency Law, Deborah A. DeMott
On “The Alt-Right Movement and US National Security”, Charles Dunlap