Submissions from 2017
Enforcing the FCPA: International Resonance and Domestic Strategy, Rachel Brewster
The Nature of Sequential Innovation, Christopher Buccafusco, Stefan Bechtold, and Christopher Jon Sprigman
Fashion's Function in Intellectual Property Law, Christopher Buccafusco and Jeanne C. Fromer
Forgetting Functionality, Christopher Buccafusco and Jeanne C. Fromer
Functionality Screens, Christopher Buccafusco and Mark A. Lemley
Restructuring Sovereign Debt After NML v. Argentina, Lee C. Buchheit and G. Mitu Gulati
Deterring Holdout Creditors in a Restructuring of PDVSA Bonds and Promissory Notes (¿Cómo disuadir a acreedores 'holdout' en una restructuración de bonos y pagarés de PDVSA?), Lee C. Buchheit and Mitu Gulati
The Responsibility Gap in Corporate Crime, Samuel W. Buell
Exemplary Legal Writing 2016: Books Selected by our Respectable Authorities: Five Recommendations, Femi Cadmus
Adjudicating Death: Professionals or Politicians?, Stephen J. Choi and Mitu Gulati
Contractual Arbitrage, Stephen J. Choi, Mitu Gulati, and Robert E. Scott
The Black Hole Problem in Commercial Boilerplate, Stephen J. Choi, Mitu Gulati, and Robert E. Scott
Variation in Boilerplate: Rational Design or Random Mutation?, Stephen J. Choi, Mitu Gulati, and Robert E. Scott
The Puzzle of PDVSA Bond Prices, Paolo Colla, Anna Gelpern, and Mitu Gulati
Brief of Professors at Law and Business Schools As Amicus Curiae in Support of Respondents, James D. Cox, J. Robert Brown Jr., Lyman Johnson, Lawrence W. Treece, and Joan MacLeod Heminway
James DeWitt Andrews: Classifying the Law in the Early Twentieth Century*, Richard A. Danner
Signing Statements and Presidentializing Legislative History, John de Figueiredo and Edward H. Stiglitz
Market Information and the Elite law Firm, Elisabeth de Fontenay
The Deregulation of Private Capital and the Decline of the Public Company, Elisabeth de Fontenay
Corporate Officers as Agents, Deborah A. DeMott
"Cybervandalism" or "Digital Act of War?" America's Muddled Approach to Cyber Incidents Will Not Deter More Crises, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
Lawfare 101: A Primer, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
Social Justice and Silicon Valley: A Perspective on the Apple-FBI Case and the “Going Dark” Debate, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
The Role of Social Enterprise and Hybrid Organizations, Ofer Eldar
Regulatory Competition and the Market for Corporate Law, Ofer Eldar and Lorenzo Magnolfi
Benchmark Regulation, Gina-Gail S. Fletcher
The Economics of Healthcare Rationing, Michael D. Frakes, Matthew B. Frank, and Kyle Rozema
Constitutional Reasonableness, Brandon L. Garrett
The Boom and Bust of American Imprisonment, Brandon L. Garrett
The Crime Lab in the Age of the Genetic Panopticon, Brandon L. Garrett
The Decline of the Virginia (and American) Death Penalty, Brandon L. Garrett
The Public Interest in Corporate Settlements, Brandon L. Garrett
Towards an International Right to Claim Innocence, Brandon L. Garrett
The American Death Penalty Decline, Brandon L. Garrett, Alexander Jakubow, and Ankur Desai
Capital Jurors in an Era of Death Penalty Decline, Brandon L. Garrett, Daniel Krauss, and Nicholas Scurich
A Tactical Fourth Amendment, Brandon L. Garrett and Seth Stoughton
Cracking the Code: An Empirical Analysis of Consumer Bankruptcy Outcomes, Sara Sternberg Greene, Parina Patel, and Katherine M. Porter
Are We Insane? The Quest for Proportionality in the Discovery Rules of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Paul W. Grimm
Practical Ways to Achieve Proportionality During Discovery and Reduce Costs in the Pretrial Phase of Federal Civil Cases, Paul W. Grimm
Authenticating Digital Evidence, Paul W. Grimm, Daniel J. Capra, and Gregory P. Joseph
The Fragile Promise of Open-File Discovery, Ben Grunwald
Project Safe Neighborhoods in Chicago: Looking Back a Decade Later, Ben Grunwald and Andrew V. Papachristos
How to Restructure Venezuelan Debt (¿Cómo restructurar la deuda venezolana?), Mitu Gulati and Lee C. Buchheit
Puerto Rico and the Netherworld of Sovereign Debt Restructuring, Mitu Gulati and Robert K. Rasmussen
Custom in Our Courts: Reconciling Theory with Reality in the Debate about Erie Railroad and Customary International Law, Nikki C. Gutierrez and Mitu Gulati
Organ Entrepreneurs, Kieran Healy and Kimberly D. Krawiec
Repugnance Management and Transactions in the Body, Kieran Healy and Kimberly D. Krawiec
Sub-Regional Courts in Africa: Litigating the Hybrid Right to Freedom of Movement, Laurence R. Helfer
Opposing International Justice: Kenya’s Integrated Backlash Strategy Against the ICC, Laurence R. Helfer and Anne E. Showalter
Changing the Tax Code to Create Consumer-Driven Health Insurance Competition, Regina Herzlinger and Barak D. Richman
Voice and Exit as Accountability Mechanisms: Can Foot-Voting Be Made Safe for the Chinese Communist Party?, Roderick M. Hills Jr. and Shitong Qiao
A Different Class of Care: The Benefits Crisis and Low-Wage Workers, Trina Jones
Aggressive Encounters & White Fragility: Deconstructing the Trope of the Angry Black Woman, Trina Jones and Kimberly Jade Norwood
“Captured Boards”: The Rise of “Super Directors” and the Case for a Board Suite, Kobi Kastiel and Yaron Nili
Democratic Enforcement? Accountability and Independence for the Litigation State, Margaret H. Lemos
Three Models of Adjudicative Representation, Margaret H. Lemos
Patriotic Philanthropy? Financing the State with Gifts to Government, Margaret H. Lemos and Guy-Uriel Charles
Panel Assignment in the Federal Courts of Appeals, Marin K. Levy
The Implied Assertion Doctrine Applied to Legislative History, Noah Marks and Jessica Ranucci
Local Liability in International Economic Law, Timothy Meyer
Saving the Political Consensus in Favor of Free Trade, Timothy Meyer
Law and Recognition-- Towards a Relational Concept of Law, Ralf Michaels
Fear and Firearms, Darrell A. H. Miller
The Tax Lives of Uber Drivers: Evidence from Internet Discussion Forums, Shu-Yi Oei and Diane M. Ring
Inequality Rediscovered, Jedediah Purdy and David Singh Grewal
Risk Regulation and Innovation: The Case of Rights-Encumbered Biomedical Data Silos, Arti K. Rai
An Autopsy of Cooperation: Diamond Dealers and the Limits of Trust-Based Exchange, Barak D. Richman
Pharmaceutical M&A Activity: Effects on Prices, Innovation, and Competition, Barak D. Richman, Will Mitchell, Elena Vidal, and Kevin Schulman
N.C. Medicaid Reform: A Bipartisan Path Forward, Barak D. Richman and Allison Rice
Constraining Monitors, Veronica Root
Coordinating Compliance Incentives, Veronica Root
Fostering Legal Cynicism through Immigration Detention, Emily Ryo
On Normative Effects of Immigration Law, Emily Ryo
Brief of Professor Stephen E. Sachs as Amicus Curiae, BNSF Railway Co. v. Tyrrell, Stephen E. Sachs
Originalism Without Text, Stephen E. Sachs
Pennoyer Was Right, Stephen E. Sachs
Advocating a Carryover Tax Basis Regime, Richard Schmalbeck, Jay A. Soled, and Kathleen DeLaney Thomas
A Model-law Approach to Sovereign Debt Restructuring, Steven L. Schwarcz
Changing Law to Address Changing Markets: A Consequence-Based Inquiry, Steven L. Schwarcz
Controlling Systemic Risk Through Corporate Governance, Steven L. Schwarcz
Rethinking Corporate Governance for a Bondholder Financed, Systemically Risky World, Steven L. Schwarcz
Sovereign Debt Restructuring and English Governing Law, Steven L. Schwarcz
The Financial Crisis and Credit Unavailability: Cause or Effect?, Steven L. Schwarcz
Too Big to Fool: Moral Hazard, Bailouts, and Corporate Responsibility, Steven L. Schwarcz
Reciprocal Legitimation in the Federal Courts System, Neil S. Siegel
Sovereign Debt and the “Contracts Matter” Hypothesis, W. Mark C. Weidemaier and Mitu Gulati
Differing Perceptions? Market Practice and the Evolution of Foreign Sovereign Immunity, W. Mark C. Weidemaier and Mitu Gulati
Brief of Amicus Curiae Children’s Law Clinic at Duke Law School Advocates for Children’s Services of Legal Aid of North Carolina Public Schools First NC, Jane R. Wettach, Peggy Nicholson, K. Ricky Watson Jr., Celia Pistolis, Aisha Forte, Jennifer Story, and Kevin Zhao
What Can Europe Tell Us About the Future of American Federalism?, Ernest A. Young
Submissions from 2016
(Mis)recognizing Polygamy, Kerry Abrams
DNA and Distrust, Kerry Abrams and Brandon L. Garrett
Aggregating Moral Preferences, Matthew D. Adler
Benefit-Cost Analysis and Distributional Weights: An Overview, Matthew D. Adler
Justice, Claims and Prioritarianism: Room for Desert?, Matthew D. Adler
Priority for the Worse Off and the Social Cost of Carbon, Matthew D. Adler, David Anthoff, Valentina Bosetti, Greg Garner, Klaus Keller, and Nicolas Treich
Brief of Amici Curiae 56 Professors of Law and Economics in Support of Petition of Writ of Certiorari, John R. Allison; Margo Bagley; James Bessen; Jeremy Bock; Daniel H. Brean; Michael A. Carrier; Michael W. Carroll; Bernard Chao; Tun-Jen Chiang; Colleen V. Chien; Andrew Chin; Robert Cook-Deegan, MD; Rochelle Dreyfuss; Dr. Dieter Ernst; Samuel F. Ernst; Robin C. Feldman; Lee Fleming; Brian Frye; William Gallagher; Shubha Ghosh; Eric Goldman; Bronwyn H. Hall; Yaniv Heled; Christian Helmers; Joachim Henkel; Susan Helper; Tim Holbrook; Herbert Hovenkamp; William Hubbard; Dr. Xavier Jaravel; Dennis S. Karjala; Peter Lee; Mark A. Lemley; David K. Levine; David S. Levine; Doug Lichtman; Yvette Joy Liebesman; Orly Lobel; Brian Love; Phil Malone; Michael J. Meurer; Dr. Shawn Miller; Matthew Mitchell; Susan Barbieri Montgomery; Sean Pager; Arti K. Rai; Jacob H. Rooksby; Jorge R. Roig; Matthew Sag; Pamela Samuelson; Ana Santos Rutschman; Lea Bishop Shaver; Toshiko Takenaka; John L. Turner; Jennifer Urban; and Eric von Hippel
Backlash Against International Courts in West, East and Southern Africa: Causes and Consequences, Karen J. Alter, James T. Gathii, and Laurence R. Helfer
How Context Shapes the Authority of International Courts, Karen J. Alter, Laurence R. Helfer, and Mikael Rask Madsen
Brief of Amici Curiae Professors of Law in Support of Petitioner, Barbara Allen Babcock, Jeffrey Bellin, Darryl K. Brown, Robert P. Burns, James E. Coleman Jr., Lisa Kern Griffin, Robert P. Mosteller, Deborah Tuerkheimer, Neil Vidmar, and Jessica L. West
Sharing Sexism, Katharine T. Bartlett