About Institutional Repositories | Duke Law Scholarship Repository | Duke Law Research

About the Repository

Duke Law’s Scholarship Repository brings together and provides free permanent open access to the intellectual works of its faculty, students and many centers and programs. The Repository includes a broad spectrum of activities and formats including written scholarship by faculty, students and other affiliates of the law school community, student-edited journals, and webcasts of conferences and programs.

Faculty Scholarship

Since December 2005, Duke Law has maintained its own scholarship repository in order to enhance exposure to a broader audience both in other disciplines and internationally. A joint project of the Law Library and the Law School’s Academic Technologies and Communications departments, the repository aims to include comprehensive holdings of the final versions of all works by current Duke Law faculty members, and where possible to extend coverage retrospectively to cover works of all past faculty. Scholarly works by other authors affiliated with the law school are also included. The Faculty Scholarship repository migrated to the Digital Commons platform in October 2009.

Journals published at Duke Law

In addition to maximizing access to works written by its faculty, Duke Law is also committed to open access publication for all articles in its student-edited journals. In 1998, Duke Law began posting new articles in its print journals on the law school web site, after a faculty task force concluded that the benefits of providing greater exposure for the Duke journals to scholars in other disciplines and to international readers would outweigh any potential reductions in income from print subscriptions or in royalties from the versions available through the legal databases. Now new articles and issues of each journal are posted on the Duke web site in PDF format and serve as the official version and source of complete runs of our journal publications . All Duke Law journals are listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals and are signatories to the principles of the Science Commons Open Access Law Program.

Conferences, Programs & Workshops

Expanding its open access programs, in 2000 Duke Law began webcasting and recording major conferences, workshops, and lectures held at the School. Long available via the Duke Law website, the archive of past events will be a part of this scholarship repository capturing and preserving this intellectual activity at Duke Law.