Submissions from 2015
The MDL Vortex Revisited, Thomas B. Metzloff
How Local Discrimination Can Promote Global Public Goods, Timothy Meyer
Transnationalizing Comparative Law, Ralf Michaels
Human Equity? Regulating the New Income Share Agreements, Shu-Yi Oei and Diane Ring
Professor Greenawalt's Unfashionable Idea, H. Jefferson Powell
Coming into the Anthropocene, Jedediah Purdy
That We are Underlings: The Real Problems in Disciplining Political Spending and the First Amendment, Jedediah Purdy
Wealth and Democracy, Jedediah Purdy
The Politics of Chinese Land: Partial Reform, Vested Interests and Small Property, Shitong Qiao
The Evolution of Relational Property Rights: A Case of Chinese Rural Land Reform, Shitong Qiao and Frank Upham
A CLOSER LOOK: Deep South Has the Highest HIV-related Death Rates in the United States, Susan S. Reif, Donna Safley, and Carolyn McAllaster
HIV Infrastructure Study Birmingham, Alabama, Susan S. Reif, Kristen Sullivan, Carolyn McAllaster, and Miriam Berger
HIV Infrastructure Study Jackson, Mississippi, Susan S. Reif, Elena Wilson, Carolyn McAllaster, and Miriam Berger
Regulatory Exit, J.B. Ruhl and James Salzman
Less Enforcement, More Compliance: Rethinking Unauthorized Migration, Emily Ryo
Five Questions After Atlantic Marine, Stephen E. Sachs
Originalism as a Theory of Legal Change, Stephen E. Sachs
The Forum Selection Defense, Stephen E. Sachs
Unifying Depreciation Recapture, Richard L. Schmalbeck and Jay A. Soled
A Model-Law Approach to Restructuring Unsustainable Sovereign Debt, Steven L. Schwarcz
Banking and Financial Regulation, Steven L. Schwarcz
Brief of Prof. Steven L. Schwarcz as Amicus Curiae, Steven L. Schwarcz
Corporate Risk-Taking and Public Duty, Steven L. Schwarcz
Corporate Risk-Taking and the Decline of Personal Blame, Steven L. Schwarcz
Derivatives and Collateral: Balancing Remedies and Systemic Risk, Steven L. Schwarcz
Excessive Corporate Risk-Taking and the Decline of Personal Blame, Steven L. Schwarcz
Intrinsic Imbalance: The Impact of Income Disparity on Financial Regulation, Steven L. Schwarcz
Keynote Reflections: The Public Governance Duty, Steven L. Schwarcz
Compelling Interests and Contraception, Neil S. Siegel and Reva B. Siegel
Contraception as a Sex Equality Right, Neil S. Siegel and Reva B. Siegel
Why the State Cannot “Abolish Marriage” A Partial Defense of Legal Marriage Based on the Structure of Intimate Duties, Gregg Strauss
Resisting Wholesale Electronic Invasion of the Fourth Amendment, Michael E. Tigar
When Biopharma Meets Software: Bioinformatics at the Patent Office, Saurabh Vishnubhakat and Arti K. Rai
The Relevance of Law to Sovereign Debt, W. Mark C. Weidemaier and Mitu Gulati
When Governments Write Contracts: Policy and Expertise in Sovereign Debt Markets, W. Mark C. Weidemaier, Mitu Gulati, and Anna Gelpern
Digitizing and Preserving Law School Recordings: A Duke Law Case Study, Hollie White, Miguel Bordo, and Sean Chen
Eco-Environmental Risk Management, Jonathan B. Wiener
Constitutionalism Outside the Courts, Ernest A. Young
Federalism as a Constitutional Principle, Ernest A. Young
Modern-Day Nullification: Marijuana and the Persistence of Federalism in an Age of Overlapping Regulatory Jurisdiction, Ernest A. Young
The Volk of New Jersey? State Identity, Distinctiveness, and Political Culture in the American Federal System, Ernest A. Young
Universal Jurisdiction, the Alien Tort Statute, and Transnational Public Law Litigation after Kiobel, Ernest A. Young
For Better and Worse: The Differing Income Tax Treatments of Marriage at Different Income Levels, Lawrence A. Zelenak
Submissions from 2014
Immigration's Family Values, Kerry Abrams and R. Kent Piacenti
Book Review, Matthew D. Adler
Extended Preferences and Interpersonal Comparisons: A New Account, Matthew D. Adler
The Social Value of Mortality Risk Reduction: VSL vs. The Social Welfare Function Approach, Matthew D. Adler, James K. Hammitt, and Nicolas Treich
Consumption, Risk and Prioritarianism, Matthew D. Adler and Nicolas Treich
Objectivity: A Feminist Revisit, Katharine T. Bartlett
Extraterritorial Impacts of Recent Financial Regulation Reforms: A Complex World of Global Finance, Lawrence G. Baxter
Götterdämmerung, Lawrence G. Baxter
Prosecutorial Discretion in Three Systems: Balancing Conflicting Goals and Providing Mechanisms for Control, Sara Sun Beale
Public Opinion and the Abolition or Retention of the Death Penalty Why is the United States Different?, Sara Sun Beale
The Development and Evolution of the U.S. Law of Corporate Criminal Liability, Sara Sun Beale
Common Sense and Key Questions, Stuart M. Benjamin
Good Cause Requirements for Carrying Guns in Public, Joseph Blocher
Gun Rights Talk, Joseph Blocher
Selling State Borders, Joseph Blocher
The International Monetary Fund's Imperiled Priority, Melissa Boudreau and Mitu Gulati
Gerald Bard Tjoflat: A Profile, Daniel S. Bowling III
A State Preferences Account of Customary International Law Adjudication, Curtis A. Bradley
Federalism, treaty implementation, and political process: Bond v. United States, Curtis A. Bradley
Treaty Termination and Historical Gloss, Curtis A. Bradley
After Recess: Historical Practice, Textual Ambiguity, and Constitutional Adverse Possession, Curtis A. Bradley and Neil S. Siegel
Does Board Independence Reduce the Cost of Debt?, Michael Bradley and Dong Chen
Lawyers: Gatekeepers of the Sovereign Debt Market?, Michael Bradley, Irving De Lira Salvatierra, and Mitu Gulati
The Domestic and International Enforcement of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, Rachel Brewster
Supplying Compliance: Why and When the United States Complies with WTO Rulings, Rachel Brewster and Adam Chilton
Experimental Tests of Intellectual Property Laws' Creativity Thresholds, Christopher Buccafusco, Zachary C. Burns, Jeanne C. Fromer, and Christopher Jon Sprigman
Innovation and Incarceration: An Economic Analysis of Criminal Intellectual Property Law, Christopher Buccafusco and Jonathan S. Masur
The Gathering Storm: Restructuring Sovereign Contingent Liabilities, Lee C. Buchheit and Mitu Gulati
Is the White Collar Offender Privileged?, Samuel W. Buell
Liability and Admission of Wrongdoing in Public Enforcement of Law, Samuel W. Buell
“White Collar” Crimes, Samuel W. Buell
Brief of Common Law Scholars as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondents, Samuel W. Buell, Deborah A. DeMott, James D. Cox, Ernest A. Young, and Ann Lipton
Five Steps to Successfully Developing a Law Practice Technology Course, Femi Cadmus
Santa Anna and his Black Eagle: The Origins of Pari Passu?, Benjamin Chabot and Mitu Gulati
Corruption Temptation, Guy-Uriel Charles
Voting Rights Law and Policy in Transition, Guy-Uriel E. Charles and Luis E. Fuentes-Rohwer
State’s Rights, Last Rights, and Voting Rights, Guy-Uriel Charles and Luis Fuentes-Rohwer
From Pigs to Hogs, Stephen J. Choi and Mitu Gulati
A Winner’s Curse?: Promotions from the Lower Federal Courts, Stephen J. Choi, Mitu Gulati, and Eric A. Posner
Can the Law Meet the Demands Made on It?, George C. Christie
Testing the Boundaries of Family Privacy: The Special Case of Pediatric Sibling Transplants, Doriane Lambelet Coleman
A Primer on Kidney Transplantation: Anatomy of the Shortage, Philip J. Cook and Kimberly D. Krawiec
Who Can’t Raise Capital? The Scylla and Charybdis of Capital Formation, James D. Cox
Influences of the Digest Classification System: What Can We Know?, Richard A. Danner
Advancing the Empirical Research on Lobbying, John M. de Figueiredo and Brian Kelleher Richter
Do the Securities Laws Matter? The Rise of the Leveraged Loan Market, Elisabeth de Fontenay
Private Equity Firms as Gatekeepers, Elisabeth de Fontenay
Putting the Securities Laws to the Test: The Long-Standing Approach to Federal Securities Regulation is Not Working, Elisabeth de Fontenay
Restatements and Non-State Codifications of Private Law, Deborah A. DeMott
The Contours and Composition of Agency Doctrine: Perspectives from History and Theory on Inherent Agency Power, Deborah A. DeMott
The Fiduciary Character of Agency and the Interpretation of Instructions, Deborah A. DeMott
Book Reviews: War & Technology, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
Clever or Clueless? Observations about Bombing Norm Debates, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
Still Shortchanged: Some Observations About the New Army/Marine Corps COIN Doctrine, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
The Hyper-Personalization of War: Cyber, Big Data, and the Changing Face of Conflict, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
Redefining Genomic Privacy: Trust and Empowerment, Yaniv Erlich, James B. Williams, David Glazer, Kenneth Yocum, Nita A. Farahany, Maynard Olson, Arvind Narayanan, Lincoln D. Stein, Jan A. Witkowski, and Robert C. Kain
The Costs of Changing Our Minds, Nita A. Farahany