Submissions from 2013
Walking Back From Cyprus, Lee C. Buchheit and Mitu Gulati
Gaming Direct Democracy: How Voters’ Views of Job Performance Interact with Elite Endorsements of Ballot Measures, Craig M. Burnett and Mathew D. McCubbins
A Temporary and Fond Farewell to the Edwin Dawson Rare Book Room, Femi Cadmus
Founding Legal Education in America, Paul D. Carrington
Protecting the Right of Citizens to Aggregate Small Claims Against Businesses, Paul D. Carrington
The Price of Legal Education, Paul D. Carrington
Dissent, Diversity, and Democracy: Heather Gerken and the Contingent Imperative of Minority Rule, Guy-Uriel Charles
Mapping a Post-Shelby County Contingency Strategy, Guy-Uriel Charles and Luis Fuentes-Rohwer
La Interseccion de la Responsabilidad Extracontractual y el Derecho Constitucional y los Derechos Humanos, George C. Christie
Strengthening Financial Reporting: An Essay on Expanding the Auditor’s Opinion Letter, James D. Cox
Understanding Causation in Private Securities Lawsuits: Building on Amgen, James D. Cox
Oh, the Treatise!, Richard A. Danner
Committee Jurisdiction, Congressional Behavior and Policy Outcomes, John M. de Figueiredo
Internal Compliance Officers in Jeopardy?, Deborah A. DeMott
The Crucial but (Potentially) Precarious Position of the Chief Compliance Officer, Deborah A. DeMott
Anticipatory Self-Defense and the Israeli-Iranian Crisis: Some Remarks, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
Military Justice, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
On “The Lure of Strike”, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
The Moral Responsibility of Volunteer Soldiers, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
The Role of Peacebuilding and Conflict Management in a Future American Grand Strategy: Time for an “Off Shore” Approach?, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
Top Ten Reasons Sen. Gillibrand’s Bill is the Wrong Solution to Military Sexual Assault, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
The Impact of Medical Liability Standards on Regional Variations in Physician Behavior: Evidence from the Adoption of National-Standard Rules, Michael D. Frakes
Does Agency Funding Affect Decisionmaking?: An Empirical Assessment of the PTO’s Granting Patterns, Michael D. Frakes and Melissa F. Wasserman
Habeas Corpus Standing Alone: A Reply to Lee B. Kovarsky and Stephen I. Vladeck, Brandon L. Garrett
Remaining Silent after Salinas, Brandon L. Garrett
Validating the Right to Counsel, Brandon L. Garrett
Validating the Right to Counsel, Brandon L. Garrett
How Jurors Evaluate Fingerprint Evidence: The Relative Importance of Match Language, Method Information, and Error Acknowledgment, Brandon L. Garrett and Gregory Mitchell
The Wonder-Clause, Anna Gelpern and Mitu Gulati
The Broken Safety Net: A Study of Earned Income Tax Credit Recipients and a Proposal for Repair, Sara Sternberg Greene
Narrative, Truth, and Trial, Lisa Kern Griffin
“The [Judicial] Beatings Will Continue until Morale Improves”: The Prisoner's Dilemma of Cooperative Discovery and Proposals for Improved Morale, Paul W. Grimm and Heather Leigh Williams
Suboptimal Social Science and Judicial Precedent, Ben Grunwald
Restructuring a Sovereign Debtor’s Contingent Liabilities, Mitu Gulati and Lee C. Buchheit
The Problem of Holdout Creditors in Eurozone Sovereign Debt Restructuring, Mitu Gulati, Lee C. Buchheit, and Ignacio Tirado
How Well Do Measures of Judicial Ability Translate Into Performance?, Mitu Gulati, Stephen J. Choi, and Eric A. Posner
In the Absence of Scrutiny: Narratives of Probable Cause, Mitu Gulati, Jack Knight, and David F. Levi
How Markets Work: The Lawyer’s Version, Mitu Gulati and W. Mark C. Weidemaier
Legitimacy and Lawmaking: A Tale of Three International Courts, Laurence R. Helfer and Karen J. Alter
Comment on “Excessive Ambitions (II)” by (Jon Elster), Donald L. Horowitz
Biometric ID Cybersurveillance, Margaret Hu
Reverse-Commandeering, Margaret Hu
The Significance of Skin Color in Asian and Asian-American Communities: Initial Reflections, Trina Jones
How Customary is Customary International Law?, Emily Kadens and Ernest A. Young
The Teaching of Procedure Across Common Law Systems, Erik S. Knusten, Thomas D. Rowe Jr., David Bamford, and Shirley Shipman
Hollingsworth v. Perry, Brief for Foreign and Comparative Law Experts Harold Hongju Koh et. al. as Amici Curiae Supporting Respondents, Harold Hongju Koh, Sarah H. Cleveland, Laurence R. Helfer, and Ryan Goodman
They Were Meant for Each Other: Professor Edward Cooper and the Rules Enabling Act, Mark R. Kravitz, David F. Levi, Lee H. Rosenthal, and Anthomy J. Scricia
Don’t ‘Screw Joe the Plummer’: The Sausage-Making of Financial Reform, Kimberly D. Krawiec
The Danger of Difference: Tensions in Directors’ View of Corporate Board Diversity, Kimberly D. Krawiec, John M. Conley, and Lissa L. Broome
From Berne to Beijing: A Critical Perspective, David L. Lange
Issues and Trends in Collection Development for East Asia Legal Materials, Jootaek Lee, Xiaomeng Zhang, Keiko Okuhara, and Evelyn Ma
Interpretive Methodology and Delegations to Courts: Are ‘Common-Law Statutes’ Different?, Margaret H. Lemos
The Politics of Statutory Interpretation, Margaret H. Lemos
Judging the Flood of Litigation, Marin K. Levy
Can We Build Behavioral Game Theory?, Gale M. Lucas, Mathew D. McCubbins, and Mark Turner
Simplifying the Standard of Review in North Carolina Administrative Appeals, Sarah H. Ludington
Transparency in International Investment Law: The Good, the Bad, and the Murky, Julie A. Maupin
Where Should Europe’s Investment Path Lead?: Reflections on August Reinisch, “Quo Vadis Europe?”, Julie A. Maupin
Cheap, Easy, or Connected: The Conditions for Creating Group Coordination, Mathew D. McCubbins, Daniel Rodriguez, and Nicholas Weller
Concepts of Law, Mathew D. McCubbins and Mark Turner
Book Review, Ralf Michaels
Dreaming Denationalized Law: Scholarship on Autonomous International Arbitration as Utopian Literature, Ralf Michaels
Globalization and Law: Law Beyond the State, Ralf Michaels
“One Size Can Fit All” – On the Mass Production of Legal Transplants, Ralf Michaels
Private Lawyer in Disguise? On the Absence of Private Law and Private International Law in Martti Koskenniemi’s Work, Ralf Michaels
Why We Have No Theory of European Private Law Pluralism, Ralf Michaels
Text, History, and Tradition: What the Seventh Amendment Can Teach Us About the Second, Darrell A. H. Miller
Analogies and Institutions in the First and Second Amendments: A Response to Professor Magarian, Darrell A.H. Miller
Sustainable Production of Swine: Putting Lipstick on a Pig?, Michelle B. Nowlin
Some Pluralism About Pluralism: A Comment on Hanoch Dagan’s “Pluralism and Perfectionism in Private Law”, Jedediah Purdy
Biomedical Patents at the Supreme Court: A Path Forward, Arti K. Rai
Improving (Software) Patent Quality Through the Administrative Process, Arti K. Rai
Saving the First Amendment From Itself: Relief From the Sherman Act Against the Rabbinic Cartels, Barak D. Richman
Exhuming the “Diversity Explanation” of the Eleventh Amendment, Thomas D. Rowe Jr.
Twelve-Person Federal Civil Jury in Exile, Thomas D. Rowe Jr.
Brief of Professor Stephen E. Sachs as Amicus Curiae in Support of Neither Party, Stephen E. Sachs
The “Unwritten Constitution” and Unwritten Law, Stephen E. Sachs
Framing Address: A Framework for Analyzing Financial Market Transformation, Steven L. Schwarcz
Lawyers in the Shadows: The Transactional Lawyer in a World of Shadow Banking, Steven L. Schwarcz
Regulating Shadows: Financial Regulation and Responsibility Failure, Steven L. Schwarcz
Ring-Fencing, Steven L. Schwarcz
Securitization, Structured Finance, and Covered Bonds, Steven L. Schwarcz
Collective Action Federalism and Its Discontents, Neil S. Siegel
Jack Balkin’s Rich Historicism and Diet Originalism: Health Benefits and Risks for the Constitutional System, Neil S. Siegel
More Law than Politics: The Chief, the “Mandate,” Legality, and Statesmanship, Neil S. Siegel
The New Textualism, Progressive Constitutionalism, and Abortion Rights: A Reply to Jeffrey Rosen, Neil S. Siegel
Equality Arguments for Abortion Rights, Neil S. Siegel and Reva B. Siegel
Rethinking the Penalty for the Failure to File Gift Tax Returns, Jay A. Soled, Paul L. Caron, Charles Davenport, and Richard L. Schmalbeck
What's a Name Worth?: Experimental Tests of the Value of Attribution in Intellectual Property, Christopher Jon Sprigman, Christopher Buccafusco, and Zachary C. Burns
The Diffusion of Regulatory Oversight, Jonathan B. Wiener
Better Ways to Study Regulatory Elephants, Jonathan B. Wiener, Brendon Swedlow, James K. Hammitt, Michael D. Rogers, and Peter H. Sand
A General Defense of Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins, Ernest A. Young
A Research Agenda for Uncooperative Federalists, Ernest A. Young
Brief of Federalism Scholars as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondent Windsor, Ernest A. Young
In Praise of Judge Fletcher-And of General Standing Principles, Ernest A. Young
United States v. Windsor and the Role of State Law in Defining Rights Claims, Ernest A. Young
Federalism, Liberty, and Equality in United States v. Windsor, Ernest A. Young and Erin C. Blondel
Will the Federal Income Tax Have a Bicentennial?, Lawrence A. Zelenak
The Greek Debt Restructuring: An Autopsy, Jeromin Zettelmeyer, Christoph Trebesch, and Mitu Gulati