Submissions from 2012
Hidden Costs? Malpractice Allegations and Defensive Medicine Among Cardiac Surgeons, Barak D. Richman and Marco Huesch
Valuing Health Care: Improving Productivity and Quality, Barak D. Richman and Arti K. Rai
When Money Grew on Trees: The Untold Story of Lucy v. Zehmer, Barak D. Richman and Dennis Schmelzer
Constitutional Backdrops, Stephen E. Sachs
The Uneasy Case for the Affordable Care Act, Stephen E. Sachs
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Role in International Law, James Salzman
Climate Change Meets the Law of the Horse, James Salzman and J.B. Ruhl
Controlling Financial Chaos: The Power and Limits of Law, Steven L. Schwarcz
Direct and Indirect U.S. Government Debt, Steven L. Schwarcz
Marginalizing Risk, Steven L. Schwarcz
Regulating Shadow Banking, Steven L. Schwarcz
Shadow Banking, Financial Markets, and the Real Estate Sector, Steven L. Schwarcz
Shadow Banking, Financial Markets, and the Real Estate Sector, Steven L. Schwarcz
Sovereign Debt Restructuring Options: An Analytical Comparison, Steven L. Schwarcz
The 2011 Diane Sanger Memorial Lecture Protecting Investors in Securitization Transactions: Does Dodd–Frank Help, or Hurt?, Steven L. Schwarcz
The Roberta Mitchell Lecture: Structuring Responsibility in Securitization Transactions, Steven L. Schwarcz
The Use and Abuse of Special-Purpose Entities in Public Finance, Steven L. Schwarcz
What is Securitization? And for What Purpose?, Steven L. Schwarcz
In-House Counsel’s Role in the Structuring of Mortgage-Backed Securities, Steven L. Schwarcz, Shaun Barnes, and Kathleen G. Cully
The Custom-to-Failure Cycle, Steven L. Schwarcz and Lucy Chang
Distinguishing the “Truly National” from the “Truly Local”: Customary Allocation, Commercial Activity, and Collective Action, Neil S. Siegel
Foreword, The Constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act: Ideas from the Academy, Neil S. Siegel
Free Riding on Benevolence: Collective Action Federalism and the Minimum Coverage Provision, Neil S. Siegel
Not the Power to Destroy: An Effects Theory of the Tax Power, Neil S. Siegel and Robert D. Cooter
“Early-Bird Special” Indeed!: Why the Tax Anti-Injunction Act Permits the Present Challenges to the Minimum Coverage Provision, Neil S. Siegel and Michael C. Dorf
A Jurisprudence of Insurgency: Lawyers as Companions of Unimagined Change, Michael E. Tigar
The North Carolina Racial Justice Act: An Essay on Substantive and Procedural Fairness in Death Penalty Litigation, Neil Vidmar
Brief of Amici Curiae, Neil Vidmar et al., Connecticut v. Guilbert, Neil Vidmar and Theresa A. Newman
Brief of Professors of Law as Amici Curiae in Support of Appellants, Neil Vidmar and David Zevan
Analysis and Synthesis of Metadata Goals for Scientific Data, Craig Willis, Jane Greenberg, and Hollie C. White
Its Hour Come Round at Last? State Sovereign Immunity and the Great State Debt Crisis of the Early Twenty-first Century, Ernest A. Young
Sorrell v. IMS Health and the End of the Constitutional Double Standard, Ernest A. Young
‘The Ordinary Diet of the Law’: The Presumption Against Preemption in the Roberts Court, Ernest A. Young
The Great American Tax Novel, Lawrence A. Zelenak
The Pragmatic Court: Reinterpreting the Supreme People’s Court of China, Taisu Zhang
Submissions from 2011
Peaceful Penetration: Proxy Marriage, Same-Sex Marriage, and Recognition, Kerry Abrams
Harsanyi 2.0, Matthew D. Adler
Who Let the Dog Out? Implementing a Successful Therapy Dog Program in an Academic Law Library, Julian Aiken and Femi Cadmus
Showcasing: The Positive Spin, Katharine T. Bartlett
Unconstitutionally Male?: The Story of United States v. Virginia, Katharine T. Bartlett
Adaptive Regulation in the Amoral Bazaar, Lawrence G. Baxter
Capture in Financial Regulation: Can We Redirect It Toward the Common Good?, Lawrence G. Baxter
Exploring the WFO Option for Global Banking Regulation, Lawrence G. Baxter
Transmitting, Editing, and Communicating: Determining What ‘The Freedom of Speech’ Encompasses, Stuart M. Benjamin
Government Property and Government Speech, Joseph Blocher
Popular Constitutionalism and the State Attorneys General, Joseph Blocher
Reverse Incorporation of State Constitutional Law, Joseph Blocher
Roberts’ Rules: The Assertiveness of Rules-Based Jurisprudence, Joseph Blocher
Transforming Property Into Speech, Joseph Blocher
Viewpoint Neutrality and Government Speech, Joseph Blocher
What State Constitutional Law Can Tell Us About the Federal Constitution, Joseph Blocher
Constitutionalizing Local Politics, Joseph Blocher and Ilan Graff
Mandatory Versus Default Rules: How Can Customary International Law Be Improved?, Curtis A. Bradley and Mitu Gulati
International Law and the U.S. Common Law of Foreign Official Immunity, Curtis A. Bradley and Laurence R. Helfer
Corporate Governance and the Cost of Debt: Evidence from Director Limited Liability and Indemnification Provisions, Michael Bradley and Dong Chen
The Remedy Gap: Institutional Design, Retaliation, and Trade Law Enforcement, Rachel Brewster
The Surprising Benefits to Developing Countries of Linking International Trade and Intellectual Property, Rachel Brewster
Dangerous Categories: Narratives of Corporate Board Diversity, Lissa Lamkin Broome, John M. Conley, and Kimberly D. Krawiec
Does Critical Mass Matter? Views From the Board Room, Lissa Lamkin Broome, John M. Conley, and Kimberly D. Krawiec
The Creativity Effect, Christopher Buccafusco and Christopher Jon Sprigman
Good Faith and Law Evasion, Samuel W. Buell
Potentially Perverse Effects of Corporate Civil Liability, Samuel W. Buell
What Is Securities Fraud?, Samuel W. Buell
Things in Common: Challenges of the 19th and 21st Century Librarians, Femi Cadmus
Case for Calling an Article V Convention, Paul D. Carrington
Public Funding of Judicial Campaigns: The North Carolina Experience and the Activism of the Supreme Court, Paul D. Carrington
A Tribute to the Oracle of Ann Arbor, Guy-Uriel Charles
Designing Incentives for Inexpert Human Raters, Daniel L. Chen, John J. Horton, and Aaron D. Shaw
A Comment on Restatement Third of Torts’ Proposed Treatment of the Liability of Possessors of Land, George C. Christie
The Case for Legal Regulation of Physicians’ Off-Label Prescribing, Doriane Lambelet Coleman and Philip M. Rosoff
Different Strokes for Different Folks: A Different Standard Is Not Inherently a Double Standard, James E. Coleman Jr.
Securities Class Actions as Public Law, James D. Cox
The Paradoxes of Dodd-Frank, James D. Cox
Foreword, James D. Cox and Herbert S. Wander
Defining International Law Librarianship in an Age of Multiplicity, Knowledge, and Open Access to Law, Richard A. Danner
Print or Perish? Authors’ Attitudes Toward Electronic-Only Publication of Law Journals, Richard A. Danner, Kiril Kolev, and Marguerite Most
The Durham Statement Two Years Later: Open Access in the Law School Journal Environment, Richard A. Danner, Kelly Leong, and Wayne V. Miller
Financing Direct Democracy: Revisiting the Research on Campaign Spending and Citizen Initiatives, John M. de Figueiredo, Chang Ho Ji, and Thad Kousser
Firm Survival and Industry Evolution in Vertically Related Populations, John M. de Figueiredo and Brian S. Silverman
Indemnification and Advancement Through an Agency Lens, Deborah A. DeMott
Investing in Work: Wilkes as an Employment Law Case, Deborah A. DeMott
The Milieu of the Boardroom and the Precinct of Employment, Deborah A. DeMott
Brief of Amica Curiae, Deborah A. DeMott in Support of the Petitioner, Maples v. Thomas, Deborah A. DeMott
Causation in the Fiduciary Realm, Deborah A. DeMott
Lawfare Today…and Tomorrow, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
Perspectives for Cyber Strategists on Law for Cyberwar, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
Responses to the Ten Questions, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
The Military-Industrial Complex, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
The Mottled Legacy of 9/11: A Few Reflections on the Evolution of the International Law of Armed Conflict, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
The Origins of the American Military Coup of 2012, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
Globalized Corporate Prosecutions, Brandon L. Garrett
Assessing Post-ADA Employment: Some Econometric Evidence and Policy Considerations, Christopher L. Griffin Jr., John J. Donohue III, Michael Ashley Stein, and Sascha Becker
Inside-Out Enforcement, Lisa Kern Griffin
The Content of Confrontation, Lisa Kern Griffin
The Federal Common Law Crime of Corruption, Lisa Kern Griffin
Federal Rule of Evidence 502: Has It Lived up to Its Potential?, Paul W. Grimm, Lisa Yurwit Bergstrom, and Matthew P. Kraeuter
Drafting a Model Collective Action Clause for Eurozone Sovereign Bonds, Mitu Gulati and Lee C. Buchheit
Greek Debt: The Endgame Scenarios, Mitu Gulati and Lee C. Buchheit
Judging Women, Mitu Gulati, Stephen J. Choi, Mirya Holman, and Eric A. Posner
Political Risk and Sovereign Debt Contracts, Mitu Gulati, Stephen J. Choi, and Eric A. Posner