Submissions from 1991
Foreword, Thomas B. Metzloff and Randall R. Bovbjerg
Symposium on International Law and the Rules of War: The Crisis Over Kuwait. Specific Means and Methods of Application of Force, Horace B. Robertson
A Coda on Supplemental Jurisdiction, Thomas D. Rowe Jr., Stephen B. Burbank, and Thomas M. Mengler
Compounding or Creating Confusion About Supplemental Jurisdiction? A Reply to Professor Freer, Thomas D. Rowe Jr., Stephen B. Burbank, and Thomas M. Mengler
Congress Accepts Supreme Court’s Invitation to Codify Supplemental Jurisdiction, Thomas D. Rowe Jr., Thomas M. Mengler, and Stephen B. Burbank
Congress Stories, Christopher H. Schroeder
Foreword, Christopher H. Schroeder
EPA and the Courts: Twenty Years of Law and Politics, Christopher H. Schroeder and Robert Glicksman
The Enduring Example of John Marshall Harlan: “Virtue as Practice” in the Supreme Court, William W. Van Alstyne
The American Jury at Twenty-Five Years, Neil Vidmar and Valerie P. Hans
The Aftermath of Injury: Cultural Factors in Compensation Seeking in Canada and the United States, Neil Vidmar, Herbert M. Kritzer, and W. A. Bogart
To Confront or Not to Confront: Measuring Claiming Rates in Discrimination Grievances, Neil Vidmar, Herbert M. Kritzer, and W. A. Bogart
Jury-Determined Settlements and Summary Jury Trials: Observations About Alternative Dispute Resolution in an Adversary Culture, Neil Vidmar and Jeffrey J. Rice
Recent Developments: Regulation of Racist Speech: In Re Welfare of R.A.V., Ernest A. Young
Submissions from 1990
The Chilly Climate on College Campuses: An Expansion of the “Hate Speech” Debate, Katharine T. Bartlett and Jean O'Barr
The Applicability of Just Compensation to Substantive Due Process Claims, Stuart M. Benjamin
Teaching Law and Virtue at Translyvania University: The George Wythe Tradition in the Antebellum Years, Paul D. Carrington
The Revolutionary Idea of University Legal Education, Paul D. Carrington
The Seventh Amendment: Some Bicentennial Reflections, Paul D. Carrington
Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Eleventh Amendment: A Comment on the Decisions During the 1988-89 Term, Erwin Chemerinsky
Defining the Role of Federal Courts, Erwin Chemerinsky and Larry Kramer
On the Moral Obligation to Obey the Law, George C. Christie
An Outsider’s Perspective of Insider Trading Regulation in Australia, James D. Cox
Puzzles and Parables: Defining Good Faith in the MBO Context, Deborah A. DeMott
Military Rules of Evidence Symposium: An Introduction, Robinson O. Everett
The Hushed Case Against a Supreme Court Appointment: Judge Parker's "New South" Constitutional Jurisprudence, 1925-1933, Peter G. Fish
The Professional Paradigm of Medical Care: Obstacle to Decentralization, Clark C. Havighurst
Finding a Consensus on Equality: The Homosexual Age of Consent and the European Convention on Human Rights, Laurence R. Helfer
Foreword, Francis McGovern
The Alabama DDT Settlement Fund, Francis McGovern
Ethical Considerations for the Corporate Legal Counsel, Thomas B. Metzloff
Transparency, Opacity, and Openness in Narrative, H. Jefferson Powell
Goldstein on Copyright Law: A Realist’s Approach to a Technological Age, Jerome H. Reichman
Strategies for Strengthening the Case for Separate Property Classification of Assets Under Idaho Law, William A. Reppy Jr.
Jurisdictional and Transfer Proposals for Complex Litigation, Thomas D. Rowe Jr.
Evolution and Application of Critical Habitat Under the Endangered Species Act, James Salzman
Corrective Justice and Liability for Increasing Risks, Christopher H. Schroeder
Corrective Justice, Liability for Risks, and Tort Law, Christopher H. Schroeder
Structured Finance: The New Way to Securitize Assets, Steven L. Schwarcz
Habeas Corpus and the Penalty of Death, Michael E. Tigar
It Does the Crime But Not the Time: Corporate Criminal Liability in Federal Law, Michael E. Tigar
Voices Heard In Jury Argument: Litigation And The Law School Curriculum, Michael E. Tigar
On Property: An Essay, Laura S. Underkuffler
A Judicial Postscript to the Church-State Debates of 1989: How Porous the Wall, How Civil the State?, William W. Van Alstyne
The Origins and Consequences of Procedural Fairness, Neil Vidmar
Panel Three: The Roles of Juries and the Press in the Modern Judicial System, Neil Vidmar, Shari S. Diamond, Jane Kirtley, Bruce Sanford, Nina Totenberg, Stephen Wermiel, and Ford Rowan
The Taxation of the Tax Indemnity Payments: Recovery of Capital and the Contours of Gross Income, Lawrence A. Zelenak
Submissions from 1989
Feminist Legal Methods, Katharine T. Bartlett
Surrogate Parenthood: Finding a North Carolina Solution, Katharine T. Bartlett
A Theory of Political Control and Agency Discretion, Randall L. Calvert, Mathew D. McCubbins, and Barry R. Weingast
A Senate of Five: An Essay on Sexuality and Law, Paul D. Carrington
“Substance” and “Procedure” in the Rules Enabling Act, Paul D. Carrington
Foreword: The Vanishing Constitution, Erwin Chemerinsky
Ideology, Judicial Selection and Judicial Ethics, Erwin Chemerinsky
The Constitution Is Not ‘Hard Law’: The Bork Rejection and the Future of Constitutional Jurisprudence, Erwin Chemerinsky
The Question’s Not Clear, but Party Government Is Not the Answer, Erwin Chemerinsky
The Contradiction Between Soviet and American Human Rights Doctrine: Reconciliation Through Perestroika and Pragmatism, Doriane Lambelet Coleman
Changing Perceptions into Reality: Fiduciary Standards to Match the American Directors’ Monitoring Function, James D. Cox
Managing the Law Library in the 1990’s, Richard A. Danner
Presentation: Death Penalty Symposium, Walter E. Dellinger III
Abortion and the Supreme Court: The Retreat From Roe v. Wade, Walter E. Dellinger III and Gene B. Sperling
Introduction- the Biggest Deal Ever, Deborah A. DeMott
The Rebuilding of Duke University's Law School, 1925-1947, Part 1, Robert F. Durden
The Rebuilding of Duke University's Law School, 1925-1947, Part 2, Robert F. Durden
Specified Issues in the United States Court of Military Appeals: A Rationale, Robinson O. Everett
Foreword: Symposium on Law and Medicine, Clark C. Havighurst
Practice Guidelines for Medical Care: The Policy Rationale, Clark C. Havighurst
Warrior Bards, Kevin McCarthy and Michael E. Tigar
Structure and Process, Politics and Policy: Administrative Arrangements and the Political Control of Agencies, Mathew D. McCubbins, Roger D. Noll, and Barry R. Weingast
Resolving Mature Mass Tort Litigation, Francis McGovern
Stereotypic Alchemy: Transformative Stereotypes and Antidiscrimination Law, Madeline Morris
The Grammar of Advice and Consent: Senate Confirmation of Supreme Court Nominees, Madeline Morris
Child Sexual Abuse and Statements for the Purpose of Medical Diagnosis or Treatment, Robert P. Mosteller
Legal Doctrines Governing the Admissibility of Expert Testimony Concerning Social Framework Evidence, Robert P. Mosteller
The Uses of State Constitutional History: A Case Note, H. Jefferson Powell
Computer Programs as Applied Scientific Know-How: Implications of Copyright Protection for Commercialized University Research, Jerome H. Reichman
Design Protection and the New Technologies: The United States Experience in a Transnational Perspective, Jerome H. Reichman
Intellectual Property in International Trade: Opportunities and Risks of a GATT Connection, Jerome H. Reichman
Major Events in the Evolution of American Community Property Law and Their Import to Equitable Distribution States, William A. Reppy Jr.
Study on Paths to a “Better Way”: Litigation, Alternatives, and Accommodation: Background Paper, Thomas D. Rowe Jr.
The Greening of American Energy Policy, James Salzman and Ellyn R. Weiss
In the Regulation of Manmade Carcinogens, if Feasibility Analysis Is the Answer, What Is the Question?, Christopher H. Schroeder
Judges, Lawyers and the Penalty of Death, Michael E. Tigar
Closing the Circle of Constitutional Review From Griswold V. Connecticut to Roe V. Wade: An Outline of a Decision Merely Overruling Roe, William W. Van Alstyne
Dual Sovereignty, Federalism and National Criminal Law: Modernist Constitutional Doctrine and the Nonrole of the Supreme Court, William W. Van Alstyne
Foreword: Empirical Research and the Issue of Jury Competence, Neil Vidmar
Juries and Expert Evidence: Social Framework Testimony, Neil Vidmar and Regina A. Schuller
Do Anti-Tax Shelter Rules Make Sense? a Reply to Professor Johnson, Lawrence A. Zelenak
When Good Preferences Go Bad: A Critical Analysis of the Anti-Tax Shelter Provisions of the Tax Reform Act of 1986, Lawrence A. Zelenak
Submissions from 1988
Porno-Symbolism: A Response to Professor McConahay, Katharine T. Bartlett
Re-Expressing Parenthood, Katharine T. Bartlett
The President’s Powers as Commander-in-Chief Versus Congress’ War Power and Appropriations Power, Charles Bennett, Arthur B. Culvahouse Jr., Geoffrey P. Miller, William Bradford Reynolds, and William W. Van Alstyne
Whose Advantage After All: A Comment on the Comparison of Civil Justice Systems, Herbert L. Bernstein
In Re “William Shakespeare”, James Boyle
The Search for an Author: Shakespeare and the Framers, James Boyle
Continuing Work on the Civil Rules: The Summons, Paul D. Carrington
Freedom and Community in the Academy, Paul D. Carrington
In Memory of David F. Cavers, Paul D. Carrington
Making Rules to Dispose of Manifestly Unfounded Assertions: An Exorcism of the Bogy of Non-Trans-Substantive Rules of Civil Procedure, Paul D. Carrington