Submissions from 1993
Copyright and the Constitution in the Age of Intellectual Property, David L. Lange
Improving the Summary Jury Trial, Thomas B. Metzloff
Understanding the Malpractice Wars, Thomas B. Metzloff
Remaking Confrontation Clause and Hearsay Doctrine Under the Challenge of Child Sexual Abuse Prosecutions, Robert P. Mosteller
“Cardozo’s Foot”: The Chancellor’s Conscience and Constructive Trusts, H. Jefferson Powell
Constitutional Investigations, H. Jefferson Powell
The Oldest Question of Constitutional Law, H. Jefferson Powell
Past and Current Trends in the Evolution of Design Protection Law- a Comment, Jerome H. Reichman
The TRIPs Component of the GATT’s Uruguay Round: Competitive Prospects for Intellectual Property Owners in an Integrated World Market, Jerome H. Reichman
Foreword, William A. Reppy Jr.
Foreword, William A. Reppy Jr.
The 1990 U.S.F.S.P.A. Amendment: No Bar to Recognition of Tenancy in Common Interests Created by Pre-’McCarty’ Divorces That Fail to Divide Military Benefits, William A. Reppy Jr.
The 1990 U.S.F.S.P.A. Amendment: No Bar to Recognition of Tenancy in Common Interests Created by Pre-McCarty Divorces That Fail to Divide Military Retirement Benefits, William A. Reppy Jr.
Municipal Tort Liability: Special Duty Issues of Police, Fire, and Safety, Horace B. Robertson
Defining Finality and Appealability by Court Rule: A Comment on Martineau’s Right Problem, Wrong Solution, Thomas D. Rowe Jr.
No Final Victories: The Incompleteness of Equity’s Triumph in Federal Public Law, Thomas D. Rowe Jr.
Cool Analysis Versus Moral Outrage in the Development of Federal Environmental Criminal Law, Christopher H. Schroeder
The Parts Are Greater Than the Whole: How Securitization of Divisible Interests Can Revolutionize Structured Finance and Open the Capital Markets to Middle-Market Companies, Steven L. Schwarcz
Civil Forfeiture: A Higher Form of Commercial Law?, Steven L. Schwarcz and Alan E. Rothman
The University in the Manner of Tiananmen Square, William W. Van Alstyne
“Thirty Pieces of Silver” for the Rights of Your People: Irresistible Offers Reconsidered as a Matter of State Constitutional Law, William W. Van Alstyne
What Do You Think About the Twenty-Seventh Amendment?, William W. Van Alstyne
Empirical Evidence on the Deep Pockets Hypothesis: Jury Awards for Pain and Suffering in Medical Malpractice Cases, Neil Vidmar
Culture of Battering and the Role of Meditation in Domestic Violence Cases, Neil Vidmar, Karla Fischer, and René Stemple Ellis
Children and the Income Tax, Lawrence A. Zelenak
Marriage and the Income Tax, Lawrence A. Zelenak
Taxing Gains at Death, Lawrence A. Zelenak
Submissions from 1992
Book Review, Katharine T. Bartlett
Minnow’s Social Relations Approach: Unanswering the Unasked Questions (Review Essay), Katharine T. Bartlett
Minow’s Social Relations Approach: Unanswering the Unasked Questions, Katharine T. Bartlett
A Theory of Law and Information: Copyright, Spleens, Blackmail, and Insider Trading, James Boyle
Butterfly Effects: The Possibilities of Law Teaching in a Democracy, Paul D. Carrington
Diversity!, Paul D. Carrington
Law and Chivalry: An Exhortion From the Spirit of the Hon. Hugh Henry Brackenridge of Pittsburgh (1748-1816), Paul D. Carrington
One Law: The Role of Legal Education in the Opening of the Legal Profession Since 1776, Paul D. Carrington
Teaching Law in the Antebellum Northwest, Paul D. Carrington
The Theme of Early American Law Teaching: The Political Ethics of Francis Lieber, Paul D. Carrington
Tribute: Professor Preble Stolz, Paul D. Carrington
Why Deans Stay: A Quitter’s Response, Paul D. Carrington
October Tragedy, Erwin Chemerinsky
Rationalizing Jurisdiction, Erwin Chemerinsky
The Supreme Court and the Fourteenth Amendment: The Unfulfilled Promise, Erwin Chemerinsky
The Lawless Execution of Robert Alton Harris, Erwin Chemerinsky and Evan Caminker
Judicial Review of Findings of Fact, George C. Christie
Foreword, James D. Cox
Rethinking U.S. Securities Laws in the Shadow of International Regulatory Competition, James D. Cox
The Monitoring Duties of Directors Under the EC Directives: A View From the United States Experience, James D. Cox and Nis Jul Clausen
Posner on Duncan Kennedy and Racial Difference: White Authority in the Legal Academy, Jerome M. Culp
Diversity, Mulitculturalism, and Affirmative Action: Duke, the NAS, and Apartheid, Jerome McCristal Culp Jr.
Voice, Perspective, Truth, and Justice: Race and the Mountain in the Legal Academy, Jerome McCristal Culp Jr.
You Can Take Them to Water but You Can’t Make Them Drink: Black Legal Scholarship and White Legal Scholars, Jerome McCristal Culp Jr.
Directors' Duty of Care and the Business Judgment Rule: American Precedents and Australian Choices, Deborah A. DeMott
Down the Rabbit-Hole and Into the Nineties: Issues of Accountability in the Wake of Eighties-Style Transactions in Control, Deborah A. DeMott
Fiduciary Obligation Under Intellectual Siege: Contemporary Challenges to the Duty to Be Loyal, Deborah A. DeMott
Rollups of Limited Partnerships: Questions of Regulation and Fairness, Deborah A. DeMott
The Politics of Judicial Structure: Creating the United States Court of Veterans Appeals, Laurence R. Helfer
At Play in the Fields of the Word: Copyright and the Construction of Authorship in the Post-Literate Millennium, David L. Lange
Sensing the Constitution in ‘Feist’, David L. Lange
Positive Canons: The Role of Legislative Bargains in Statutory Interpretation, Mathew D. McCubbins, Roger G. Noll, and Barry R. Weingast
Alternative Dispute Resolution Strategies in Medical Malpractice, Thomas B. Metzloff
Reconfiguring the Summary Jury Trial, Thomas B. Metzloff
The Structure of Entitlements, Madeline Morris
Child Abuse Reporting Laws and Attorney-Client Confidences: The Reality and the Specter of Lawyer as Informant, Robert P. Mosteller
The Political Grammar of Early Constitutional Law, H. Jefferson Powell
Design Protection and the Legislative Agenda, Jerome H. Reichman
Electronic Information Tools - the Outer Edge of World Intellectual Property Law, Jerome H. Reichman
Overlapping Proprietary Rights in University-Generated Research Products: The Case of Computer Programs, Jerome H. Reichman
Defining Finality and Appealability by Court Rule: A Comment on Martineau’s “Right Problem, Wrong Solution”, Thomas D. Rowe Jr.
Individual Conscience and the Law, Laura S. Underkuffler
The Unfair Criticism of Medical Malpractice Juries, Neil Vidmar
Assessments of Noneconomic Damage Awards in Medical Negligence: A Comparison of Jurors With Legal Professionals, Neil Vidmar and Jeffrey J. Rice
The Comprehensive Approach to Global Climate Policy: Issues of Design and Practicality, Jonathan B. Wiener and Richard B. Stewart
Environmental Policy for Eastern Europe:Technology-Based Versus Market-Based Approaches, Jonathan B. Wiener, Richard B. Stewart, and Donald J. Dudek
The Supreme Court, 1991 Term - Leading Cases, Ernest A. Young
Does Treasury Have Authority to Index Basis for Inflation?, Lawrence A. Zelenak
Submissions from 1991
Judicial Responses to the Recent Enforcement Activities of the Federal Banking Regulators, Lawrence G. Baxter
A Process of Denial: Bork and Post-Modern Conservatism, James Boyle
Is Subjectivity Possible - the Post-Modern Subject in Legal Theory, James Boyle
Criminal Abortion Revisited, Samuel W. Buell
Accreditation and the AALS the Boalt Affair, Paul D. Carrington
Response to Levin and Shultz, Paul D. Carrington
The New Order in Judicial Rulemaking, Paul D. Carrington
A Unified Approach to Justiciability, Erwin Chemerinsky
Ending the Marathon: It Is Time to Overrule “Northern Pipeline”, Erwin Chemerinsky
Ending the Parity Debate, Erwin Chemerinsky
In Defense of Truth, Erwin Chemerinsky
Current Trends in the American Law of Punitive Damages, George C. Christie
Autobiography and Legal Scholarship and Teaching: Finding the Me in the Legal Academy, Jerome M. Culp
Firing Legal Canons and Shooting Blanks: Finding a Neutral Way in the Law, Jerome M. Culp
Toward a Black Legal Scholarship: Race and Original Understandings, Jerome M. Culp
From the Editor: Supporting Professional Research, Richard A. Danner
The Law Library of Congress and the Legal Profession, Richard A. Danner
Saddam Hussein: Master Air Strategist, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
Practice Guidelines as Legal Standards Governing Physician Liability, Clark C. Havighurst
Prospective Self-Denial: Can Consumers Contract Today to Accept Health Care Rationing Tomorrow?, Clark C. Havighurst
S.1232: A Late Entry in the Race for Malpractice Reform, Clark C. Havighurst and Thomas B. Metzloff
Lesbian and Gay Rights as Human Rights: Strategies for a United Europe, Laurence R. Helfer
Electronic Surveillance, Kimberly D. Krawiec
Resolving Malpractice Disputes: Imaging the Jury’s Shadow, Thomas B. Metzloff
Foreword, Thomas B. Metzloff and Randall R. Bovbjerg