Submissions from 1995
Lawyers and Social Justice, Michael E. Tigar
What to Do When Your Case Is Front Page News: Panel Discussion, Michael E. Tigar
Paul Touvier and the Crime Against Humanity, Michael E. Tigar, Susan C. Casey, Isabelle Giordani, and Sivakumaren Mardemootoo
Property: A Special Right, Laura S. Underkuffler
Law and the New Ecology: Evolution, Categories, and Consequences, Jonathan B. Wiener
The Reasons for a Consumption Tax and the Tax Treatment of Gifts and Bequests, Lawrence A. Zelenak
The Reification of Metaphor: Income Taxes, Consumption Taxes and Human Capital., Lawrence A. Zelenak
Submissions from 1994
Feminist Perspectives on the Ideological Impact of Legal Education Upon the Profession, Katharine T. Bartlett
Gender Law, Katharine T. Bartlett
Gender Law, Katharine T. Bartlett
Only Girls Wear Barrettes: Dress and Appearance Standards, Community Norms, and Workplace Equality, Katharine T. Bartlett
Sex, Lies, and Dissipation: The Discourse of Fault in a No-Fault Era, Katharine T. Bartlett and Barbara Bennett Woodhouse
Administrative and Judicial Review of Prompt Corrective Action Decisions by the Federal Banking Regulators, Lawrence G. Baxter
The New Reno Bluesheet: A Little More Candor Regarding Prosecutorial Discretion, Sara Sun Beale
Legal Education for the People: Populism and Civic Virtue, Paul D. Carrington
William Gardiner Hammond and the Lieber Revival, Paul D. Carrington
Reflections on the Interface of Treaties and Rules of Procedure: Time for Federal “Long-Arm” Legislation, Paul D. Carrington and J. Dickson Phillips
Lost Opportunity: The Burger Court and the Failure to Achieve Equal Educational Opportunity, Erwin Chemerinsky
The First Amendment: When the Government Must Make Content-Based Choices, Erwin Chemerinsky
Why Cases Under the Guarantee Clause Should Be Justiciable, Erwin Chemerinsky
Bonding, Structure and the Stability of Political Parties: Party Government in the House, Gary W. Cox and Mathew D. McCubbins
Black People in White Face: Assimilation, Culture, and the Brown Case, Jerome M. Culp
Colorblind Remedies and the Intersectionality of Oppression: Policy Arguments Masquerading as Moral Claims, Jerome M. Culp
Small Numbers, Big Problems, Black Men, and the Supreme Court: A Reform Program for Title VII After Hicks, Jerome McCristal Culp Jr.
Understanding the Racial Discourse of Justice Rehnquist, Jerome McCristal Culp Jr.
A New Journal of Color in a “Colorblind” World: Race and Community, Jerome McCristal Culp Jr., Frank Cooper, and Lovita Tandy
Document Delivery in the 1990s and Beyond, Richard A. Danner
From the Editor: Big Things, Richard A. Danner
From the Editor: It’s the Network!, Richard A. Danner
The Constitutionality of the Bank Bill: The Attorney General’s First Constitutional Law Opinions, Walter E. Dellinger III and H. Jefferson Powell
Do You Have the Right to Remain Silent?: Duties of Disclosure in Buisness Transactions, Deborah A. DeMott
Fiduciary Preludes: Likely Issues for LLCs, Deborah A. DeMott
Welcome to the Junta: The Erosion of Civilian Control of the U.S. Military, Charles J. Dunlap Jr.
Afterword: Shaw v. Reno, Robinson O. Everett
Forums for Punishing Offenses Against the Law of Nations, Robinson O. Everett and Scott L. Silliman
Still “Learning Something of Legislation”: The Judiciary in the History of Labor Law, Catherine Fisk
There Is Still So Much to Learn From Legislation, Catherine Fisk
Impeachment and Rehabilitation under the Maryland Rules of Evidence: An Attorney's Guide, Paul W. Grimm
Contract Failure in the Market for Health Services, Clark C. Havighurst
Foreword: The Place of Private Accrediting Among the Instruments of Government, Clark C. Havighurst
Accrediting and the Sherman Act, Clark C. Havighurst and Peter M. Brody
The Qur’an and the Common Law: Islamic Law Reform and the Theory of Legal Change, Donald L. Horowitz
The Qur’an and the Common Law: Islamic Law Reform and the Theory of Legal Change (Part 1), Donald L. Horowitz
Whose International Law?: Sovereignty and Non-State Groups, Benedict Kingsbury
Designing Bureaucratic Accountability, Arthur Lupia and Mathew D. McCubbins
Legislative Intent: The Use of Positive Political Theory in Statutory Interpretation, Mathew D. McCubbins, Roger G. Noll, and Barry R. Weingast
An Analysis of Mass Torts for Judges, Francis McGovern
Looking to the Future of Mass Torts: A Comment on Schuck and Siliciano, Francis McGovern
The Principles of ‘98: An Essay in Historical Retrieval, H. Jefferson Powell
A Manifesto Concerning the Legal Protection of Computer Programs, Jerome H. Reichman
Legal Hybrids Between the Patent and Copyright Paradigms, Jerome H. Reichman
Repealing the Law of Unintended Consequences? Comment on Walker (2), Thomas D. Rowe Jr.
Constitutional Power and National Health Care, Christopher H. Schroeder
Strategic Regulators and the Choice of Rulemaking Procedures: The Selection of Formal vs. Informal Rules in Regulating Hazardous Waste, Christopher H. Schroeder and James T. Hamilton
A Fundamental Inquiry Into the Statutory Rulemaking Process of Private Legislatures, Steven L. Schwarcz
The Alchemy of Asset Securitization, Steven L. Schwarcz
JAG Goes to War: The Desert Shield Deployment, Scott L. Silliman
Haymarket: Whose Name the Few Still Say with Tears, A Dramatization in Eleven Scenes, Michael E. Tigar
Pretrial Case Management Under the Amended Rules: Too Many Words for a Good Idea, Michael E. Tigar
The Separation of the Religious and the Secular: A Foundational Challenge to First Amendment Theory, Laura S. Underkuffler
Denying Due Process in the Florida Courts: A Commentary on the 1994 Medicaid Third-Party Liability Act of Florida, William W. Van Alstyne
The Second Amendment and the Personal Right to Arms, William W. Van Alstyne
An Antidote to Anecdotes, Neil Vidmar
Pap and Circumstance: What Jury Verdict Statistics Can Tell Us About Jury Behavior and the Tort System, Neil Vidmar
The Reversal Arbitration Board: An ADR Model for Resolving Intra-Corporate Disputes, Neil Vidmar, René Stemple Ellis, Geetha Ravindra, and Thomas Davis
Rediscovering Conservatism: Burkean Political Theory & Constitutional Interpretation, Ernest A. Young
Submissions from 1993
What States Owe Outsiders, Matthew D. Adler
Rumpelstiltskin (Review Essay), Katharine T. Bartlett
Rule-Making and Policy Formulation in South African Administrative-Law Reform, Lawrence G. Baxter
Rule of Too Much Law? The New Safety/Soundness Rulemaking Responsibilities of the Federal Banking Agencies, Lawrence G. Baxter
Prior Similar Acts in Prosecutions for Rape and Child Sex Abuse, Sara Sun Beale
Procedural Issues Raised by Guidelines Sentencing: The Constitutional Significance of the “Elements of the Sentence”, Sara Sun Beale
Legal Realism and the Social Contract: Fuller’s Public Jurisprudence of Form, Private Jurisprudence of Substance, James Boyle
The PC Harangue, James Boyle
Book Review, Curtis A. Bradley and Jack L. Goldsmith
Buffaloes and a Straw Man, Paul D. Carrington
Comment on Derrick Bell’s “Diversity and Academic Freedom”, Paul D. Carrington
Meaning and Professionalism in American Law, Paul D. Carrington
Remembering Jefferson, Paul D. Carrington
History, Tradition, the Supreme Court, and the First Amendment, Erwin Chemerinsky
Is the Rehnquist Court Really That Conservative?: An Analysis of the 1991-92 Term, Erwin Chemerinsky
Making the Case for a Constitutional Right to Minimum Entitlements, Erwin Chemerinsky
The Fire This Time, Erwin Chemerinsky
Regulatory Competition in Securities Markets: An Approach for Reconciling Japanese and United States Disclosure Philosophies, James D. Cox
The ALI, Insitutionalization and Disclosure: The Quest for the Outside Director’s Spine, James D. Cox
Reply: “Real” Men and History, Jerome M. Culp
The Michael Jackson Pill: Equality, Race, and Culture, Jerome M. Culp
Water Buffalo and Diversity: Naming Names and Reclaiming the Racial Discourse, Jerome M. Culp
Neutrality, the Race Question, and the 1991 Civil Rights Act: The “Impossibility” of Permanent Reform, Jerome McCristal Culp Jr.
Notes From California: Rodney King and the Race Question, Jerome McCristal Culp Jr.
From the Editor: Delivering Documents, Richard A. Danner
Foreword, Deborah A. DeMott
Foreword, Deborah A. DeMott
Oppressed but Not Betrayed: A Comparative Assessment of Canadian Remedies for Minority Shareholders and Other Corporate Constituents, Deborah A. DeMott
Self-Dealing Transactions in Nonprofit Corporations, Deborah A. DeMott
Afterword, Robinson O. Everett
Possible Use of American Military Tribunals to Punish Offenses Against the Law of Nations, Robinson O. Everett
Passage Home to India, Mitu Gulati
Consensus, Coherence and the European Convention on Human Rights, Laurence R. Helfer