Submissions from 2006
When Does Deliberating Improve Decisionmaking?, Mathew D. McCubbins and Daniel B. Rodriguez
A Model State Mass Tort Settlement Statute, Francis McGovern
A Proposed Settlement Rule for Mass Torts, Francis McGovern
Mediation of the Snake River Basin Adjudication, Francis McGovern
The Evolution of Asbestos Bankruptcy Trust Distribution Plans, Francis McGovern
A Model Mass Tort: The PPA Experience, Francis McGovern, Barbara J. Rothstein, and Sara Jael Dion
American Law (United States), Ralf Michaels
EU Law as Private International Law? Re-Conceptualising the Country-Of-Origin Principle as Vested Rights Theory, Ralf Michaels
Some Fundamental Jurisdictional Conceptions as Applied in Judgment Conventions, Ralf Michaels
The Functional Method of Comparative Law, Ralf Michaels
Two Economists, Three Opinions? Economic Models for Private International Law - Cross Border Torts as Example, Ralf Michaels
Two Paradigms of Jurisdiction, Ralf Michaels
Private Law and the State: Comparative Perceptions and Historic Observations, Ralf Michaels and Nils Jansen
Private Law Beyond the State? Europeanization, Globalization, Privatization, Ralf Michaels and Nils Jansen
Arthur Taylor Von Mehren, 10. August 1922 - 17. January 2006, Ralf Michaels and Giesela Rühl
Evidence History, the New Trace Evidence and Rumblings in the Future of Proof, Robert P. Mosteller
Adding Sweeteners to Softwood Lumber: The WTO-NAFTA “Spaghetti Bowl” Is Cooking, Joost H. B. Pauwelyn
Book Review, Joost H. B. Pauwelyn
How Strongly Should We Protect and Enforce International Law?, University of Chicago Law School Workshop, March 2006, Joost H. B. Pauwelyn
“Opening-Up” the WTO: What Does It Mean for China?, Joost H. B. Pauwelyn
For Lash: Who Asks the Right Questions, H. Jefferson Powell
Grand Visions in an Age of Conflict, H. Jefferson Powell
The Executive and the Avoidance Canon, H. Jefferson Powell
History, Human Nature, and Property Regimes: Filling in the Civilizing Argument, Jedediah Purdy
The American Transformation of Waste Doctrine: A Pluralist Interpretation, Jedediah Purdy
The Limits of Courage and Principle, Jedediah Purdy
The New Biopolitics: Autonomy, Demography, and Nationhood, Jedediah Purdy
The Promise (And Limits) of Neuroeconomics, Jedediah Purdy
Harnessing and Sharing the Benefits of State Sponsored Research, Arti K. Rai and Rebecca S. Eisenberg
Punitive Damage Awards in Pet-Death Cases: How Do the Ratio Rules of State Farm v. Campbell Apply?, William A. Reppy Jr.
A Tribute to Mel Shimm, Barak D. Richman
How Community Institutions Create Economic Advantage: Jewish Diamond Merchants in New York, Barak D. Richman
The Corrosive Combination of Nonprofit Monopolies and U.S.-Style Health Insurance: Implications for Antitrust and Merger Policy, Barak D. Richman
The King of Rockingham County and the Original Bridge to Nowhere, Barak D. Richman
A Transaction Cost Economizing Approach to Regulation: Understanding the NIMBY Problem and Improving Regulatory Responses, Barak D. Richman and Christopher Boerner
A Bridge, a Tax Revolt, and the Struggle to Industrialize: The Story and Legacy of ‘Rockingham County v. Luten Bridge Co.’, Barak D. Richman, Jordi Weinstock, and Jason Mehta
“Inextricably Intertwined” Explicable at Last?: Rooker-Feldman Analysis After the Supreme Court’s Exxon Mobil Decision, Thomas D. Rowe Jr. and Edward L. Baskauskas
Comment, Saving Toby: Extortion, Blackmail, and the Right to Destroy, Stephen E. Sachs
From St. Ives to Cyberspace: The Modern Distortion of the Medieval ‘Law Merchant’, Stephen E. Sachs
A Field of Green? The Past and Future of Ecosystem Services, James Salzman
Thirst: A Short History of Drinking Water, James Salzman
Ecosystem Services and the Public Trust Doctrine: Working Change From Within, James Salzman and J.B. Ruhl
In Defense of Regulatory Peer Review, James Salzman and J.B. Ruhl
‘No Net Loss’ - Instrument Choice in Wetlands Protection, James Salzman and J.B. Ruhl
The Impact of Tax-Exempt Status: The Supply-Side Subsidies, Richard L. Schmalbeck
Post-Disaster Tax Legislation: A Series of Unfortunate Events, Richard L. Schmalbeck and Ellen P. Aprill
Loaded Dice and Other Problems: A Further Reflection on the Statutory Commander in Chief, Christopher H. Schroeder
Automatic Perfection of Sales of Payment Intangibles: A Trap for the Unwary, Steven L. Schwarcz
Financial Information Failure and Lawyer Responsibility, Steven L. Schwarcz
The Public Responsibility of Structured Finance Lawyers, Steven L. Schwarcz
Commandeering and Its Alternatives: A Federalism Perspective, Neil S. Siegel
Race-Conscious Student Assignment Plans: Balkanization, Integration, and Individualized Consideration, Neil S. Siegel
Some Modest Uses of Transnational Legal Perspectives in First-Year Constitutional Law, Neil S. Siegel
Universal Rights and Wrongs, Michael E. Tigar
Kelo’s Moral Failure, Laura S. Underkuffler
Tahoe’s Requiem: The Death of the Scalian View of Property and Justice, Laura S. Underkuffler
The Just and the Wild, Laura S. Underkuffler
Through a Glass Darkly: Van Orden, McCreary and the Dangers of Transparency in Establishment Clause Jurisprudence, Laura S. Underkuffler
Brief Amici Curiae in Support of Respondent, Phillip Morris, USA, Neil Vidmar
Trial By Jury Involving Persons Accused of Terrorism or Supporting Terrorism, Neil Vidmar
“Judicial Hellholes:” Medical Malpractice Claims, Verdicts, and the “Doctor Exodus” in Illinois, Neil Vidmar and Kara MacKillop
Million Dollar Medical Malpractice Cases in Florida: Post-Verdict and Pre-Suit Settlements, Neil Vidmar, Kara MacKillop, and Paul Lee
A Pattern of Parity and Particularity, in Who’s Ahead in Environmental Protection: The United States or the European Union?, Jonathan B. Wiener
Better Regulation in Europe, Jonathan B. Wiener
Precaution Against Terrorism, Jonathan B. Wiener and Jessica Stern
The Conservative Case for Federalism, Ernest A. Young
Of Head Taxes, Income Taxes, and Distributive Justice in American Health Care, Lawrence A. Zelenak
Taxing Endowment, Lawrence A. Zelenak
The Sometimes-Taxation of the Returns to Risk-Bearing Under a Progressive Income Tax, Lawrence A. Zelenak
Submissions from 2005
Polygamy, Prostitution, and the Federalization of Immigration Law, Kerry Abrams
Against “Individual Risk”: A Sympathetic Critique of Risk Assessment, Matthew D. Adler
Book Review: Fairness vs. Welfare, Matthew D. Adler
Justification, Legitimacy, and Administrative Governance, Matthew D. Adler
Foreword: A Tribute to William W. Van Alstyne, Katharine T. Bartlett
The Many Faces of Overcriminalization: From Morals and Mattress Tags to Overfederalization, Sara Sun Beale
Creating European Rights: National Values and Supranational Interests, Francesca E. Bignami
The European Union’s New Ambitions, Francesca E. Bignami
Transgovernmental Networks vs. Democracy: The Case of the European Information Privacy Network, Francesca E. Bignami
Statutory Interpretation and the Intentional(ist) Stance, Cheryl Boudreau, Mathew D. McCubbins, and Daniel B. Rodriguez
Medellin v. Dretke: Federalism and International Law, Curtis A. Bradley, Lori Fisler Damrosch, and Martin Flaherty
Congressional Authorization and the War on Terrorism, Curtis A. Bradley and Jack L. Goldsmith
Rejoinder: The War on Terrorism: International Law, Clear Statement Requirements, and Constituitional Design, Curtis A. Bradley and Jack L. Goldsmith
Colored Speech: Cross Burnings, Epistemics, and the Triumph of the Crits?, Guy-Uriel Charles
Judging the Law of Politics, Guy-Uriel Charles
Regulating Section 527 Organizations, Guy-Uriel Charles and Gregg D. Polsky
2003-2004 Supreme Court Update, Erwin Chemerinsky
Constitutional Issues Posed in the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, Erwin Chemerinsky
Detentions Without Due Process of Law Following September 11th, Erwin Chemerinsky
Keynote Address: Rehnquist Court’s Federalism Revolution, Erwin Chemerinsky
The Lower Federal Courts and the War on Terrorism, Erwin Chemerinsky
Wartime Security and Constitutional Liberty: Detainees, Erwin Chemerinsky
In Defense of Filibustering Judicial Nominations, Erwin Chemerinsky and Catherine Fisk
Mr. Justice Posner? Unpacking the Statistics, Stephen J. Choi and Mitu Gulati
The Alchemy of a Moral Discourse About the Biology of Gender: Historical Sensitivity, Genetic Literacy, and the Will to Imagine a Different Equality, Doriane Lambelet Coleman
Mutual Fund Expense Disclosures: A Behavioral Perspective, James D. Cox and John W. Payne
Letting Billions Slip Through Your Fingers: Empirical Evidence and Legal Implications of the Failure of Financial Institutions to Participate in Securities Class Action Settlements, James D. Cox and Randall S. Thomas
Public and Private Enforcement of the Securities Laws: Have Things Changed Since Enron?, James D. Cox and Randall S. Thomas
A Brief History of BioPerl, Colin Crossman and Arti K. Rai
How Much Does Money Matter in a Direct Democracy?, John M. de Figueiredo
Paying for Politics, John M. de Figueiredo and Elizabeth Garrett