The Annual Currie Memorial Lecture has been held since 1967 in honor of Professor Brainerd Currie, a noted scholar who was known for introducing the notion of governmental interest analysis to the field of conflict of laws. This collection archives the lecture’s speakers, topics, resulting publications, and, in some instances, the video recordings.
Historical Gloss and Foreign Affairs: Constitutional Authority in Practice, Curtis A. Bradley
September 17, 2024
History and Tradition? : Anatomy of a Constitutional Revolution, Noah Feldman
April 15, 2024
Dobbs and Democracy, Melissa Murray
March 9, 2023
#MeToo: Why Now? What Next?, Deborah L. Rhode
March 28, 2019
The Failure of Internet Freedom, Jack L. Goldsmith
March 7, 2018
Equality in the American Constitution, Guido Calabresi
October 7, 2016
The Elusive Quest for a Constitutional Right to Liberty, Michael S. Moore
February 25, 2016
Ballot Bedlam, Samuel Issacharoff
February 19, 2014
Lex Majoris Partis: How the Senate Can End the Filibuster on Any Day by Simple Majority Rule, Akhil Reed Amar
February 21, 2013
Exit, Voice and Disloyalty, Heather Gerken
March 27, 2012
Executive Defense of Acts of Congress, Daniel J. Meltzer
April 8, 2011
More Than Half a Loaf: Administrative Law in the 1930s, Mark Tushnet
March 2, 2010
Whose Court Are They?, Judge William Fletcher
November 11, 2008
What Can Brown Do For You?, Pamela S. Karlan
March 25, 2008
The Right's Reasons: Constitutional Conflict and the Spread of Woman-Protected Antiabortion Argument, Reva B. Siegel
March 1, 2007
Clashing Visions of a Living Constitution, William Van Alstyne
November 14, 2005
Who Decides the Time for Crime? Waiver and the Future of the Sentencing Policy, Nancy J. King
November 16, 2004
Diversity and the Practice of Interest Assessment, Robert Nagel
November 13, 2003
A Map of Feminist and Queer Theories of Sexuality and Sexual Regulation, Janet Halley
November 7, 2002
Bush v. Gore and the French Revolution: A Tentative List of Some Early Lessons, Sanford V. Levinson
October 11, 2001
Federalism in the Taft Court Era, Robert Post
March 26, 2001
Law and Policy in the Internet Age, Robert Litan
January 1, 2000
Choice or Commonality: Welfare and Schooling After the End of Welfare as We Knew It, Martha Minow
February 18, 1999
New Institutions for Old Neighborhoods, Robert Ellickson
February 26, 1998
Rights and Responsibilities: Protecting the Victims of Armed Conflict, Kenneth Keith
February 4, 1997
Is American Violence A Crime Problem?, Franklin Zimring
March 26, 1996
Forces and Mechanisms in the Constitution-Making Process, Jon Elster
February 13, 1995
The Gains and Losses of Corrective Justice, Ernest Weinrib
March 18, 1994
Compensation and Commensurability, Margaret Radin
March 29, 1993
Legal Complexity: Some Causes, Consequences, and Cures, Peter Schuck
March 30, 1992
Liberalism, Community, and State Borders, Lea Brilmayer
January 1, 1991
Continental Law and Common Law: Historical Strangers or Companions?, R. H. Helmholz
January 1, 1990
The Breakdown of the Control Mechanism in ICSID Arbitration, W. Michael Reisman
February 9, 1989
Always a Borrower: Law and Other Disciplines, Phillip Areeda
April 7, 1988
Tort Law and the Alternatives: Some Anglo-American Comparisons, P.S. Atiyah
March 26, 1987
Law, Economics, and the Problem of Legal Culture, Bruce Ackerman
March 1, 1986
“Freedom” and ”Coercion”—Virtue Words and Vice Words, Peter Westen
January 17, 1985
Woman’s Constitution, Kenneth L. Karst
November 3, 1983
The Constitution in the Supreme Court: Article IV and Federal Powers, 1836-1864, David P. Currie
January 1, 1982
Buying Scenery: Land Acquisitions for the National Park Service, Joseph L. Sax
March 27, 1980
Unspeakable Ethics, Unnatural Law, Arthur A. Leff
April 2, 1979
Discovering Fundemental Values, John Hart Ely
March 20, 1978
Executive Power and the Control of Information: Practice Under the Framers, Abraham D. Sofaer
January 1, 1977
Narrowing the Discretion of Criminal Justice Officials, James Vorenberg
January 1, 1976
FCC Regulation of the Telecommunications Press, David Bazelon
April 5, 1975
Chenery Revisited: Reflections on Reversal and Remand of Administrative Orders, Henry J. Friendly
January 1, 1969
The Impotence of Reticence, Philip Kurland
January 1, 1968
Conflict of Laws in Time: The Sweep of New Rules in Criminal Law, Roger Traynor
May 11, 1967