Bush v. Gore and the French Revolution: A Tentative List of Some Early Lessons


The 35th annual Brainerd Currie Memorial Lecture also served as the keynote address of the third annual conference of the Duke Program in Public Law focusing on "The Law of Politics." The conference was held in conjunction with the Law School's annual Alumni Leadership Weekend. Constitutional scholar Sanford V. Levinson T'62, professor of law at the University of Texas, delivered the lecture. He examined the constitutional fallout of the 2000 presidential election in a talk entitled "Bush v. Gore and the French Revolution: A Tentative List of Some Early Lessons."


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Sanford Levinson, Bush v. Gore and the French Revolution: A Tentative List of Some Early Lessons, 65 Law and Contemporary Problems 7-40 (Summer 2002)
Available at: http://scholarship.law.duke.edu/lcp/vol65/iss3/2

Lecture Date

October 11, 2001
