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CICLOPs, the Center for International & Comparative Law Occasional Papers, could not be launched with a better issue than one dedicated to Duke Law's named lecture series in the field, the Annual Herbert L. Bernstein Memorial Lecture in Comparative Law. Herbert Bernstein was Duke's much-beloved professor of comparative law. The lecture series, established in Prof. Bernstein’s honor after his sudden death in 2001, has drawn leading scholars from all around the world to speak at Duke Law School on comparative law. This first issue of CICLOPs contains the text of the first six lectures, some of them previously published in hard-to-access venues and some not at all. As such, it serves as a tribute not only to Herbert Bernstein, but also to Duke Law's vibrant and active comparative law community, which encompasses both numerous faculty members and also students pursuing Duke's JD/LLM degree in international and comparative law as well as other student groups. The issue contains all lectures in the order in which they were delivered.

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