Duke Law Scholarship Repository - Duke Law Journal Administrative Law Symposium: Judicial Review and the Uncertain Appeal of Certainty on Appeal

Event Title

Judicial Review and the Uncertain Appeal of Certainty on Appeal

Presenter Information

Ronald M. Levin


Duke Law School

Start Date

3-3-1995 10:15 AM

End Date

3-3-1995 11:00 AM


In their Article Judicial Incentives and Indeterminacy in Substantive Review of Administrative Decisions, Sidney A. Shapiro and Richard E. Levy have raised in an intriguing way some panoramic questions about the role of judicial review in administrative law. They offer both an ambitious theory of judicial behavior and a proposed rewrite of section 706 of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), the scope of review section. However the author neither favors the specific statute they offer nor believes that Congress should be asked to consider any revision of section 706.


This event was not recorded.

Related Paper

Ronald M. Levin, Judicial Review and the Uncertain Appeal of Certainty on Appeal, 44 Duke Law Journal 1081-1103 (1995)

Available at: http://scholarship.law.duke.edu/dlj/vol44/iss6/2

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Mar 3rd, 10:15 AM Mar 3rd, 11:00 AM

Judicial Review and the Uncertain Appeal of Certainty on Appeal

Duke Law School

In their Article Judicial Incentives and Indeterminacy in Substantive Review of Administrative Decisions, Sidney A. Shapiro and Richard E. Levy have raised in an intriguing way some panoramic questions about the role of judicial review in administrative law. They offer both an ambitious theory of judicial behavior and a proposed rewrite of section 706 of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), the scope of review section. However the author neither favors the specific statute they offer nor believes that Congress should be asked to consider any revision of section 706.