Duke Law Scholarship Repository - Duke Law Journal Administrative Law Symposium: Consensus Versus Incentives: A Skeptical Look at Regulatory Negotiation

Event Title

Consensus Versus Incentives: A Skeptical Look at Regulatory Negotiation

Presenter Information

Susan Rose-Ackerman


Duke Law School

Start Date

20-1-1994 1:00 PM

End Date

20-1-1994 2:00 PM


Some recommendations are designed to improve the efficiency of public regulation. Incentive-based systems, for example, can make government policies more cost-effective. Other recommendations are disembodied law reforms, espoused without much concern for the substantive problems to which they might apply. This Comment contrasts one of these recommendations - regulatory negotiation - with incentive-based proposals.


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Related Paper

Susan Rose-Ackerman, Consensus Versus Incentives: A Skeptical Look at Regulatory Negotiation, 43 Duke Law Journal 1206-1220 (1994)

Available at: http://scholarship.law.duke.edu/dlj/vol43/iss6/3

This document is currently not available here.


Jan 20th, 1:00 PM Jan 20th, 2:00 PM

Consensus Versus Incentives: A Skeptical Look at Regulatory Negotiation

Duke Law School

Some recommendations are designed to improve the efficiency of public regulation. Incentive-based systems, for example, can make government policies more cost-effective. Other recommendations are disembodied law reforms, espoused without much concern for the substantive problems to which they might apply. This Comment contrasts one of these recommendations - regulatory negotiation - with incentive-based proposals.