Duke Law Scholarship Repository - Duke Law Journal Administrative Law Symposium: Better Regulations: The National Performance Review's Regulatory Reform

Event Title

Better Regulations: The National Performance Review's Regulatory Reform

Presenter Information

Jeffrey S. Lubbers


Duke Law School

Start Date

20-1-1994 9:00 AM

End Date

20-1-1994 10:15 AM


The author discusses the 1993 National Performance Review (NPR) which involved a large-scale, serious, intensive scrutiny of the federal government's operations. Although several previous administrations have undertaken studies of executive branch operations, the NPR was different in the breadth of its scope and in that it was executed primarily by career civil servants.


This event was not recorded.

Related Paper

Jeffrey S. Lubbers, Better Regulations: The National Performance Review’s Regulatory Reform Recommendations, 43 Duke Law Journal 1165-1179 (1994)

Available at: http://scholarship.law.duke.edu/dlj/vol43/iss6/1

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Jan 20th, 9:00 AM Jan 20th, 10:15 AM

Better Regulations: The National Performance Review's Regulatory Reform

Duke Law School

The author discusses the 1993 National Performance Review (NPR) which involved a large-scale, serious, intensive scrutiny of the federal government's operations. Although several previous administrations have undertaken studies of executive branch operations, the NPR was different in the breadth of its scope and in that it was executed primarily by career civil servants.