Duke Law Scholarship Repository - Duke Law Journal Administrative Law Symposium: A Reflection on the Independence of Independent Agencies

Event Title

A Reflection on the Independence of Independent Agencies

Presenter Information

James C. Miller III


Duke Law School

Start Date

26-2-1988 3:00 PM

End Date

26-2-1988 3:30 PM


Independent agencies should not be independent. A shortcoming of "independence" is that independent agencies have "no place at the table" when it comes to formulating policies that directly affect the agency. It is difficult enough for non-cabinet executive agencies to feel fully informed and to be represented in the highest levels of government decisionmaking. But the independent agencies have little voice in such deliberations nor the efficient means to gather information from such proceedings.


This event was not recorded.

Related Paper

James C. Miller III, A Reflection on the Independence of Independent Agencies, 1988 Duke Law Journal 297-299 (1988)

Available at: http://scholarship.law.duke.edu/dlj/vol37/iss2/8

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Feb 26th, 3:00 PM Feb 26th, 3:30 PM

A Reflection on the Independence of Independent Agencies

Duke Law School

Independent agencies should not be independent. A shortcoming of "independence" is that independent agencies have "no place at the table" when it comes to formulating policies that directly affect the agency. It is difficult enough for non-cabinet executive agencies to feel fully informed and to be represented in the highest levels of government decisionmaking. But the independent agencies have little voice in such deliberations nor the efficient means to gather information from such proceedings.