Duke Law Scholarship Repository - Duke Law Journal Administrative Law Symposium: Structural Approaches to the Problem of Television Network Economic Dominance

Event Title

Structural Approaches to the Problem of Television Network Economic Dominance

Presenter Information

Bruce M. Owen


Duke Law School

Start Date

2-2-1979 1:15 PM

End Date

2-2-1979 2:30 PM


The purpose of this Article is to examine the implications of various alternative structural approaches to the problem of television network economic dominance. Although the question of which federal governmental entity has authority to institute the suggested structural remedies is not afforded detailed inquiry in this Article, the law in this area is briefly outlined to establish that the implementation of such remedies is administratively feasible.


This event was not recorded.

Related Paper

Bruce M. Owen, Structural Approaches to the Problem of Television Network Economic Dominance, 1979 Duke Law Journal 191-244 (1979)

Available at: http://scholarship.law.duke.edu/dlj/vol28/iss1/4

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Feb 2nd, 1:15 PM Feb 2nd, 2:30 PM

Structural Approaches to the Problem of Television Network Economic Dominance

Duke Law School

The purpose of this Article is to examine the implications of various alternative structural approaches to the problem of television network economic dominance. Although the question of which federal governmental entity has authority to institute the suggested structural remedies is not afforded detailed inquiry in this Article, the law in this area is briefly outlined to establish that the implementation of such remedies is administratively feasible.