2013 | 20 Years Later: The Changes in Gender & Sexual Orientation Law
Event Title
Law as a Vehicle for Moral Disapproval in DOMA, Prop 8, and Amendment 2
Duke Law School, Room 4055
Start Date
26-2-2013 12:15 PM
End Date
26-2-2013 1:15 PM
The author discusses gay rights 20 years after Romer.
Related Paper
Linda C. McClain, From Romer v. Evans to United States v. Windsor: Law as a Vehicle for Moral Disapproval in Amendment 2 and the Defense of Marriage Act, 20 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 351-478 (Spring 2013)
Available at: http://scholarship.law.duke.edu/djglp/vol20/iss2/5
Law as a Vehicle for Moral Disapproval in DOMA, Prop 8, and Amendment 2
Duke Law School, Room 4055
The author discusses gay rights 20 years after Romer.