Event Title
The Role of Phones and Computers in Threatening and Abusing Women Victims of Male Intimate Partner Abuse
Duke Law School, Room 4055
Start Date
22-2-2012 12:15 PM
End Date
22-2-2012 1:15 PM
Professor Joanne Belknap, Professor of Sociology at the University of Colorado, discusses phones and intimate partner violence. Professor Belknap received a Ph.D. in Criminal Justice and Criminology from Michigan State University in 1986. She has numerous scholarly publications, most of which involve violence against women and girls and female offenders, and is currently working on the fourth edition of her book, The Invisible Woman: Gender, Crime, and Justice.
Related Paper
Joanne Belknap et al., The Roles of Phones and Computers in Threatening and Abusing Women Victims of Male Intimate Partner Abuse , 19 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 373-406 (Spring 2012)
Available at: http://scholarship.law.duke.edu/djglp/vol19/iss2/4
The Role of Phones and Computers in Threatening and Abusing Women Victims of Male Intimate Partner Abuse
Duke Law School, Room 4055
Professor Joanne Belknap, Professor of Sociology at the University of Colorado, discusses phones and intimate partner violence. Professor Belknap received a Ph.D. in Criminal Justice and Criminology from Michigan State University in 1986. She has numerous scholarly publications, most of which involve violence against women and girls and female offenders, and is currently working on the fourth edition of her book, The Invisible Woman: Gender, Crime, and Justice.