2011 | The Changing Face of Families
Event Title
The Women's Convention, Reproductive Rights, and the Reproduction of Gender
Duke Law School, Room 3037
Start Date
7-2-2011 12:15 PM
End Date
7-2-2011 1:15 PM
The 2011 symposium: The Changing Face of Families, will focus on the evolution of assisted reproductive technologies, and its effects on traditional legal notions of "marriage," "parent," and "family."
Related Paper
Barbara Stark, The Women’s Convention, Reproductive Rights, and the Reproduction of Gender, 18 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 261-304 (Spring 2011)
Available at: http://scholarship.law.duke.edu/djglp/vol18/iss2/2
The Women's Convention, Reproductive Rights, and the Reproduction of Gender
Duke Law School, Room 3037
The 2011 symposium: The Changing Face of Families, will focus on the evolution of assisted reproductive technologies, and its effects on traditional legal notions of "marriage," "parent," and "family."