Streaming Media


Living through Lacrosse featured a panel of those involved directly with the Duke lacrosse incident, ranging from the senior vice president for public affairs and government relations of Duke University to a former Duke student who was serving as a staff member of the Duke Chronicle in 2007.

Members of the panel assessed what happened during the course of the incident and then discussed what could be learned from this case and what might have been done differently.

Questions/themes/discussion topics
  • What were the individual roles of the panelists during the lacrosse incident?
  • In hindsight, what would the panelists have done differently?
  • What can be learned from the Duke lacrosse case for both similar and non-similar cases going forward?


9-29-2007 12:00 PM


Sep 29th, 12:00 PM

A Conversation: Living Through Lacrosse

Living through Lacrosse featured a panel of those involved directly with the Duke lacrosse incident, ranging from the senior vice president for public affairs and government relations of Duke University to a former Duke student who was serving as a staff member of the Duke Chronicle in 2007.

Members of the panel assessed what happened during the course of the incident and then discussed what could be learned from this case and what might have been done differently.

Questions/themes/discussion topics
  • What were the individual roles of the panelists during the lacrosse incident?
  • In hindsight, what would the panelists have done differently?
  • What can be learned from the Duke lacrosse case for both similar and non-similar cases going forward?