Streaming Media


It's the title of the conference—the court of public opinion—and the topic of this panel. Professor Christopher Schroeder of Duke Law School is joined by media and public policy professor Kim Gross, senior attorney for the Institute for Justice Scott Bullock, and litigation director of the ACLU Steve Shapiro to contemplate both the influence of the media on public opinion and ways to use the media as an advocacy tool.

Gross discusses her research into the influence of media coverage on the public, followed by Bullock and Shapiro who explain the ways in which public interest law may choose to incorporate a media strategy into a larger legal battle.

Questions/themes/discussion topics
  • Media framing
  • How media coverage can influence public opinion
  • Factors that influence the media's power
  • How the Duke lacrosse case differs from typical crime coverage
  • Legal strategies of public interest organizations
  • Winning in the court of law, but losing in the court of public opinion
  • Losing in the court of law, but winning in the court of public opinion


9-29-2007 1:45 PM


Sep 29th, 1:45 PM

The Role and Responsibility of the Public

It's the title of the conference—the court of public opinion—and the topic of this panel. Professor Christopher Schroeder of Duke Law School is joined by media and public policy professor Kim Gross, senior attorney for the Institute for Justice Scott Bullock, and litigation director of the ACLU Steve Shapiro to contemplate both the influence of the media on public opinion and ways to use the media as an advocacy tool.

Gross discusses her research into the influence of media coverage on the public, followed by Bullock and Shapiro who explain the ways in which public interest law may choose to incorporate a media strategy into a larger legal battle.

Questions/themes/discussion topics
  • Media framing
  • How media coverage can influence public opinion
  • Factors that influence the media's power
  • How the Duke lacrosse case differs from typical crime coverage
  • Legal strategies of public interest organizations
  • Winning in the court of law, but losing in the court of public opinion
  • Losing in the court of law, but winning in the court of public opinion