Herbert L. Bernstein Memorial Lecture in Comparative Law

Banning Burqas: A View from Postsecular Comparative Law


Ralf Michaels, Arthur Larson Professor of Law at Duke Law School, delivered the Annual Bernstein Lecture in Comparative Law titled "Banning Burqas: A View from Postsecular Comparative Law."

When France banned Islamic face veils in 2010, many considered this a French eccentricity. Now more and more countries are enacting, or at least considering, similar legislation. Taking the perspective of postsecular comparative law, the lecture looks at the ways in which Western legal systems understand and construct religious law and their own relation to it. Co-sponsored by the Center for International & Comparative Law and the Office of the Dean.

Streaming Media


Ralf Michaels, Banning Burqas: The Perspective of Postsecular Comparative Law, 28 Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law 213-245 (2018)
Available at: https://scholarship.law.duke.edu/djcil/vol28/iss2/1

Lecture Date

March 2, 2017
