Herbert L. Bernstein Memorial Lecture in Comparative Law

Constitutions for the 21st Century: Emerging Patterns - The EU, Iraq, Afghanistan


Chibli Mallat


Professor Chibli Mallat, EU Jean Monnet Chair in European Law and Director, Centre d'Etudes sur l'Union Europeenne, Universite Saint Joseph, Beirut, Lebanon, presents "Constitutions for the 21st Century: Emerging Patterns - the EU, Iraq, and Afghanistan" for the Annual Herbert L. Bernstein Memorial Lecture in Comparative Law.

Streaming Media


Chibli Mallat, Constitutions for the 21st Century: Emerging Patterns-The EU, Iraq, Afghanistan…, 1 Center for International & Comparative Law Occasional Papers 41-62 (2009)

Available at http://scholarship.law.duke.edu/faculty_scholarship/1940

Lecture Date

September 28, 2004
