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This article provides a framework and offers strategies for theorizing and generalizing about risk assessment and regulation developed in the context of an on-going comparative study of regulatory behavior. Construction of a universe of nearly 3,000 risks and study of a random sample of 100 of these risks allowed us to estimate relative U.S. and European regulatory precaution over a thirty-five-year period. Comparative nested analysis of cases selected from this universe of ecological, health, safety, and other risks or its eighteen categories or ninety-two subcategories of risk sources or causes will allow theory-testing and -building and many further descriptive and causal comparative generalizations.
Jonathan B. Wiener et al., Theorizing and Generalizing About Risk Assessment and Regulation Through Comparative Nested Analysis of Representative Cases, 31 Law & Policy 236-269 (2009)
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Risk assessment
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