2016 | The American Death Penalty After Glossip
Event Title
Session 1: Use of Statistics in Death Penalty Litigation
Duke Law School, Room 3041
Start Date
19-2-2016 9:15 AM
End Date
19-2-2016 10:45 AM
John Donohue, "Empirical Analysis and the Fate of Capital Punishment"
Frank Baumgartner, "The Geographic Distribution of U.S. Executions"
Moderator: Neil Vidmar
Streaming Media
Feb 19th, 9:15 AM
Feb 19th, 10:45 AM
Session 1: Use of Statistics in Death Penalty Litigation
Duke Law School, Room 3041
John Donohue, "Empirical Analysis and the Fate of Capital Punishment"
Frank Baumgartner, "The Geographic Distribution of U.S. Executions"
Moderator: Neil Vidmar