The Alaska Law Review is now celebrating its 25th anniversary of publication at Duke Law. In the past twenty-five years, we have strived to be a forum where members of Alaska’s legal community can share ideas, as well as raise and debate issues of Alaska law. Hoping to continue that tradition, we have recently added an Articles Forum to our “Exclusively Online” section.

On occasion, we speak to prospective authors who would like to write an Article, Response, or Comment responding to a recently published piece. Our publication schedule, however, sometimes makes it difficult to print such a response in the next issue. By allowing us to publish pieces on a rolling basis, our Articles Forum should better facilitate conversation and debate between members of Alaska’s legal community.

As this Forum’s inaugural piece, we have selected Recidivism in Alaska by Theresa Carns of the Alaska Judicial Council. This Comment combines and synthesizes data from two recent reports published by the Alaska Judicial Council and provides some insights into conclusions drawn from that data, as well as potential avenues for further analysis.

We hope you enjoy our Forum’s first piece and we encourage you to contact the Alaska Law Review if you are interested in responding to Recidivism in Alaska or any other piece we have recently published in the Alaska Law Review.


Submissions from 2008


Recidivism in Alaska, Teresa W. Carns