Politicians as well as many members of the international human-rights community, view the odious debt doctrine as fundamentally unfair that the Iraqi people may be saddled with the debts Saddam Hussein's brutal regime incurred. Furthermore, some in the human-rights community generally argue that rich (creditor) countries have a moral duty or obligation to protect citizens of poor (debtor) countries and that richer nations should forgive the debts of poorer nations to help reduce existing inequalities between developed and developing countries. Here, Dickerson evaluates the doctrine of odious debts using the insolvency framework found in the United States Bankruptcy Code.
A. Mechele Dickerson,
Insolvency Principles and the Odious Debt Doctrine: The Missing Link in the Debate,
70 Law and Contemporary Problems
(Summer 2007)
Available at: https://scholarship.law.duke.edu/lcp/vol70/iss3/5