The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act guarantees to children with disabilities the right to receive a "free appropriate public education." This Note argues that the Supreme Court decisions Schaffer v. Weast and Arlington v. Murphy, cases dealing with procedural aspects of the Act, undermine a prior trend in IDEA litigation-a trend that had increased the substantive and procedural rights of children with disabilities. Considered together, the Schaffer and Arlington decisions ignore the realities of the litigation process and impose significant burdens on parents attempting to ensure that their children receive the free appropriate education to which they are entitled.
Kelly D. Thomason,
The Costs of a “Free” Education: The Impact of Schaffer v. Weast and Arlington v. Murphy on Litigation under the IDEA,
57 Duke Law Journal
Available at: https://scholarship.law.duke.edu/dlj/vol57/iss2/4